The Limited Times

Alberto Fernández and the return of the films in the announcement of the new measures for the coronavirus

10/9/2020, 11:02:52 PM

The president led the announcement at the Casa Rosada, accompanied by governors.10/09/2020 7:46 PM Clarí Politics Updated 10/09/2020 7:52 PM President Alberto Fernández once again used the slides to justify the new measures to combat the advance of the coronavirus in the interior of the country. The first one reported the incidence rate, followed by the mortality rate, the evolution of confirmed cases, the distribution of new cases, confirmed cases and deaths in the AM

10/09/2020 7:46 PM

  • Clarí

  • Politics

Updated 10/09/2020 7:52 PM

President Alberto Fernández once again used the slides to justify the new measures to combat the advance of the coronavirus in the interior of the country.

The first one reported the incidence rate, followed by the mortality rate, the evolution of confirmed cases, the distribution of new cases, confirmed cases and deaths in the AMBA, the accumulated incidence, the cases by province and the levels of occupancy of intensive care beds.

One by one, the slides that the president showed:

The incidence rate for the coronavirus.

The death rate from the coronavirus.

The evolution of confirmed cases.

The distribution of new cases.

The updated data of the AMBA.

The cumulative incidence rate.

Coronavirus cases by province.

The level of occupancy of the beds and intensive therapy.

News in development.

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