The Limited Times

Art in the haunted house

10/9/2020, 7:21:27 PM

The vacant Litzinger Villa in Dorfen comes to life before it is renovated.The vacant Litzinger Villa in Dorfen comes to life before it is renovated. Icking - The Litzinger Villa, named after its former owner, stands on an exposed hillside and with an unobstructed view of the Oberland in the Icking district of Dorfen. It was built in the 1960s and was considered an example of modern architecture in the relevant media. In the meantime the Bauhaus villa has become morbid.

The vacant Litzinger Villa in Dorfen comes to life before it is renovated.

Icking - The Litzinger Villa, named after its former owner, stands on an exposed hillside and with an unobstructed view of the Oberland in the Icking district of Dorfen.

It was built in the 1960s and was considered an example of modern architecture in the relevant media.

In the meantime the Bauhaus villa has become morbid.

Musty carpets, flowery wallpaper, the fully functional fitted kitchen in baby pink, Gaggerl yellow and sky blue stands there as if the housewife of yore had only just cleaned up.


A classic example of modern architecture: the villa was built in the Bauhaus style in the 1960s.

© Andrea Weber

Now the Ickingen architect Wieland Schorer has fulfilled a dream and wants to renovate the property.

But before the big hammer came, he and his school friend Michael Wendt had the idea of ​​leaving the house to artists.

Nine graduates from the Academy of Fine Arts in Munich designed an exhibition.

Under the title “The Hammer and The Dance”, a total work of art was created, which in part invasively encroached on the building fabric.


Installation with sculpture and painting: (from left) Johannes Thum, Jakob Gilg and Lilian Robl.

© Andrea Weber

“Every house has something ghostly and demonic about it,” say the artists.

The architect speaks of an experiment.

“What kind of feelings arise in a house whose history nobody knows exactly.” The 58-year-old is amazed at what has arisen.

Sculptor Johannes Thum (31) grew up in Münsing and lives in Munich.

He was the initiator who brought the group of nine artists from Munich and the surrounding area together.

“Each of us worked individually,” he says.

Everyone let the spectacular rooms with the large glass fronts, the sensational vision and its cool architecture work on them.

In some cases, floors were knocked out, tiles placed in a new context, old wallpaper torn down or consciously integrated into the art installation.

Breakthroughs were made or openings closed.

Each room is designed by an artist, with its own approach and expression.

And yet, as if by itself, a total work of art has emerged that makes the old myth come true, according to which ghosts live in old houses.


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