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Back to the capsules in the lower grades: The outline of the local government for returning to school - Walla! news

10/9/2020, 8:59:51 PM

Following the decision to cancel the discussion on the issue, the local government center published the graded plan for returning to school after the closure. According to the outline: Studies will be resumed immediately in kindergartens and grades 1-2, for most days of the week. From third grade, each grade will be divided into two and high school students will be divided into small groups

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Studies in the days of Corona

Back to the capsules in the lower grades: The outline of the local government for returning to school

Following the decision to cancel the discussion on the issue, the local government center published the graded plan for returning to school after the closure.

According to the outline: Studies will be resumed immediately in kindergartens and grades 1-2, for most days of the week.

From third grade, each grade will be divided into two and high school students will be divided into small groups


  • Corona virus

  • Ministry of Education

  • Ministry of Health

  • Local Government Center

Dana Yarkatzi

Friday, 09 October 2020, 23:31

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In the video: Opening of the school year (Photo: Yotam Ronen, Shai Makhlouf, Roni Kanfo, Yoav Itiel and GPO)

The local government center today (Friday) published its own outline for returning to school at the end of the closure, after the planned discussion on the issue during the day was canceled.

The outline includes three main steps, as well as a reference to taking additional precautions in the red cities, important adjustments and technologies, transportation, and care for special education students.

The first phase of the program proposed by the center, including a return to studies immediately, when the green, yellow and orange authorities will reactivate the educational institutions.

According to the proposed outline, the kindergartens will be open six days a week and the after-school programs will operate five days a week, as a continuation of the regular morning group.

In elementary schools, first- and second-graders will physically study in the classrooms, for five days a week.

Here, too, the after-hours classes will operate until 16:00 every day, as a continuation of the regular morning group.

In third-fourth grades, the classes will be divided into two groups, and physical learning will take place in the classes for at least four days, with the rest of the days being completed remotely.

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Back in stages.

Students in a class at the beginning of the school year at Schiffer School in Petah Tikva (Photo: Reuven Castro)

In the second phase, fifth- and sixth-graders will also return to physical learning in schools, but only for two days a week.

The rest of the day the learning will continue from a distance.

For middle and high schools, "hybrid learning" was proposed, that is, to conduct physical education in small groups, for two days a week.

The program is tailored to the manpower and possible places of study in each local authority.

In the third stage, the model of the first two stages will be expanded, in accordance with the decrease in morbidity.

All details of the program will be reconsidered, including expanding physical learning and enlarging student capsules.

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To the full article

Additional precautions will be taken by the red authorities.

The studies will not take place at all in a regular format, but in capsules or online, with the exception of special education and children and youth at risk.

In addition, it was proposed that the state set up positions for rapid corona tests for the education staff, and it was proposed to consider extending the tests to students as well, provided they were done by non-invasive means.

Beyond the stages proposed by the local government center, it was clarified that studies in the special education system and youth at risk will continue as usual according to the national outline.

In addition, a solution is provided for the acquisition of computing and technology: it was determined that about 50% of the state's procurement is required to be transferred to local authorities, and the additional procurement is accelerated by the state, with emphasis on weakened authorities from the Arab and ultra-Orthodox sectors.

In addition, it was proposed to adapt the transportation systems to the proposed layout, and it was clarified that flexibility and autonomy would be allowed for each local authority in expanding physical learning based on capsules, in accordance with the guidelines of the Ministry of Health.

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