The Limited Times

Italy arrests rescue ship "Alan Kurdi" again

10/9/2020, 8:32:45 PM

According to the Italian Coast Guard, "irregularities" have occurred on the rescue ship that could pose a threat to crew and boat migrants. The operators announced a lawsuit.

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The rescue ship Alan Kurdi


The Italian authorities have arrested the private German rescue ship "Alan Kurdi" again in a port.

As the coast guard reported on Friday evening, the ship of the sea rescue organization Sea-Eye is no longer allowed to leave the port in Olbia in Sardinia.

During technical controls, "irregularities" were found that could endanger the safety of crew and boat migrants on board, explained the Italian coast guard.

"The renewed determination is purely politically motivated and endangers human life," said Gorden Isler, chairman of Sea-Eye.

The operators based in Regensburg would file a lawsuit, he announced. 

The "Alan Kurdi" had already been detained in the port on a previous Mediterranean mission in May in Palermo, Sicily.

At that time, similar points were criticized and a trip to a repair yard in Spain was allowed, wrote the coast guard.

"We found out today that these irregularities have not been remedied."

Isler explained that Spanish and German specialist authorities had confirmed that it was free of defects. 

In the tug of war between rescuers and Italian authorities, the country has repeatedly withdrawn ships from service.

The organizations always complain that the technical reasons are put forward.

Basically, the government in Rome had only a few days ago defused the anti-migration laws and reduced the fines for sea rescuers who enter ports without permission.

At the end of September, the "Alan Kurdi" brought 125 migrants to the port of Olbia with official approval.

Many refugees start their dangerous journeys in small boats across the Mediterranean to Europe from Libya and Tunisia. 

Icon: The mirror

pgo / dpa