The Limited Times

Macron hails “the essential fight” of WFP, Nobel Peace Prize winner

10/9/2020, 6:11:57 PM

Emmanuel Macron congratulated on Friday, October 9 the World Food Program (WFP), which received the 2020 Nobel Peace Prize, for its " essential " fight in favor of some 700 million people suffering from hunger. “ 690 million people suffer from hunger in the world. WFP provides support to as many of them as possible. This fight is essential ”, tweeted the president a few hours after the announceme

Emmanuel Macron congratulated on Friday, October 9 the World Food Program (WFP), which received the 2020 Nobel Peace Prize, for its "




in favor of some 700 million people suffering from hunger.

690 million people suffer from hunger in the world.

WFP provides support to as many of them as possible.

This fight is essential

”, tweeted the president a few hours after the announcement of the award ceremony to the UN program based in Rome.


France is contributing and will continue

" to support the WFP, which is fully funded by voluntary contributions, assured Emmanuel Macron.

WFP says it assisted 97 million people in 88 countries last year and distributed 15 billion food rations.