The Limited Times

Member of the Bundestag Radwan in the Wirecard Committee

10/9/2020, 7:21:21 PM

The CSU member of the Bundestag and financial expert Alexander Radwan from Rottach-Egern is a member of the Wirecard investigation committee. He is a deputy member there.

The CSU member of the Bundestag and financial expert Alexander Radwan from Rottach-Egern is a member of the Wirecard investigation committee.

He is a deputy member there.


- The payment service provider Wirecard from Aschheim near Munich was criticized in 2019 for fake sales and fake contracts.

In the summer of 2020, the company filed for bankruptcy with losses of 1.9 billion euros due to impending insolvency and overindebtedness.

"There are many unanswered questions, and I am looking forward to actively working on the case," says Radwan, who is also the Miesbacher district chairman of his party.

In addition to the 56-year-old lawyer from Rottach-Egern, the committee of inquiry will have nine full members and eight other deputies from all parliamentary groups.

All 18 members have full rights.


The member of the Bundestag Alexander Radwan from Rottach-Egern.

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“The financial scandal has shaken the confidence of many investors.

That is precisely why it is important to fully clarify the case and to hold those responsible to account, ”says Radwan, Member of the Bundestag.

“We have to restore people's trust in our supervisory structures and Germany's financial center.” The committee started its work on Thursday afternoon and will present its final report at the end of the legislative period.


Also read: How is Alexander Radwan doing after his heart attack.

And why his attending doctor warns against ignoring alarm signals.