The Limited Times

Outdoor gyms, domestic service and social gatherings up to 10 people in clubs: this is how the quarantine continues in the City

10/9/2020, 11:47:45 PM

The Buenos Aires government confirmed the openings. This Saturday the Ecopark reopens and public offices will also work with a shift.

Sebastian Clemente

10/09/2020 8:34 PM

  • Clarí

  • Cities

Updated 10/09/2020 8:41 PM

Coronavirus, restrictions and quarantine.

Three words that have been repeated for more than

200 days


With the contagion curve in "decline", according to the authorities, although still with an average of between

900 and a thousand new infected daily,

 the City of Buenos Aires confirmed the openings for the new stage.

"On July 17, we launched a

Comprehensive and Gradual Plan for the Commissioning of the City

. Today we are completing

the first 3 of the 6 stages,"

said the head of the Buenos Aires Government, Horacio Rodríguez Larreta, adding: "I want to be clear: The virus continues to circulate, in our City, in other provinces and throughout the world. Many European cities are experiencing re-



that forced them to go back in many of their openings, that is why we have to maintain all the measures of care. the only way to keep moving through the stages of the plan. "

What activities are added to the City?

The return of part of the students to the schools has been agreed, after several controversies and

crosses with more political reasons than health.

And after negotiations and meetings between officials, it was agreed to add

construction works of less than

 5,000 square meters.

They will be able to work from 10 to 19 from Monday to Friday, and on Saturdays from 10 to 14.

Tables and chairs in public space.

For now, bars and restaurants will continue working abroad.

Photo: Emanuel Fernández


domestic service

, those who work in

a single address will

be enabled

, with no limit on the number of days


They will have to comply with a strict protocol and for now they will not be allowed to 

use public transport

, which is still reserved for workers in areas considered essential.

Education workers who must return to work will be able to use

trains, subways and buses. 

"We have defended a lot at this stage to take steps in closed places with

high volume of air and with control of access of people,

and that at the same time these people do not spend a lot of time in the place. In that the shopping malls can comply," he replied. Friday morning the Buenos Aires Minister of Health, Fernán Quirós, when asked about possible openings.

However, the announcement

did not mention the opening of shopping malls. 

And neither is another of the initial intentions: to allow bars and restaurants with 25% of the capacity of the premises. 

Nor to 

hotel accommodation,

a sector that this week launched a campaign to ask to reopen.

Everyone should keep waiting. 


public space and the open air

are, without doubt, the areas in which to develop most of the activities.

Infectologists and health officials agree that there the risk of contagion is lower than in closed places, and that is why the City prioritizes open spaces.

In that sense, it was confirmed that


 will be able to

function on

terraces or patios


And even whitewash something that already happens, which are the

group classes

that are seen in parks and squares throughout the City, especially in the afternoons.

In the new stage,




without contact and without sharing elements, outdoors and in public and private institutions with a

maximum of 10 people

and three groups simultaneously in gyms, sports centers and clubs

are enabled


In this aspect,


are also enabled

in tennis and paddle tennis

and in other disciplines that until now allow only individual activity. 

The public space will also be the setting for

cultural events


It is intended to create enabled corridors in the vicinity of independent rooms and also to authorize those that have

terraces or patios.

The limit would be

300 people


They will also be able to qualify

registered street performers

Entertainment in public and outdoor spaces includes carousels and aerobic posts.

In addition, from this Saturday the Ecopark reopens with a limit of visitors and protocols.

As for

social gatherings

, which already take place in parks and squares, and also in other more private areas, the idea is to allow them in

outdoor spaces in sports institutions

(up to ten people, with mandatory distance and masking).

And also, always within the family nucleus, in

the common spaces of the buildings


There is also

fiction recording for film and television

, with a capacity limited to one person every 15 square meters, with a limit of 20 in the filming areas, without audiences in studios.

And the return of private academies for drivers with street practices will be allowed.

In the announcement of the Buenosairean Government the "safe visits to geriatric establishments" were included.

In other words, the older adults who reside there will be able to

start receiving visits with a protocol that is still under evaluation.

The service of

renewal or delivery of licenses

, passport, DNI and marriages through shifts in community venues will

also be enabled


Neighbors will not be received spontaneously.

On Tuesday the 13th the branch 7 of Emilio Miter 956

reopens and on Thursday the 15th the headquarters of Avenida Roca reopens.

And they will return to

religious services in funerals.


Look also

Coronavirus: in Mar del Plata they make a "Japanese strike" and open despite restrictions

Coronavirus: gym owners and employees went to the Buenos Aires government to request the reopening