The Limited Times

Residents of Louisiana vacate their homes to escape Hurricane Delta

10/9/2020, 9:26:59 PM

Washington - SANA Residents evacuated the coast of the US state of Louisiana today to escape Hurricane Delta


Residents of the coast of the US state of Louisiana evacuated their homes today to escape Hurricane Delta, which is expected to arrive soon in the southeastern regions of the United States.

The French Press Agency quoted the American National Hurricane Center as saying that the hurricane is expected to cause devastating damage along the coast of the northern Gulf of Mexico, with waves expected to reach up to three meters.

The center noted that the hurricane was accompanied by winds of 195 kilometers per hour and was classified at level 3 on a 5-level scale.

For his part, State Governor John Bill Edwards called on residents to exercise extreme caution and announced that 2,400 members of the National Guard had been called in to help the population.

The Hurricane Delta hit Mexico before reaching the US, leaving large debris behind it, but it did not cause any casualties.

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