The Limited Times

USA: election could be a "bloodbath" for Republicans, says Ted Cruz

10/9/2020, 9:50:53 PM

Republican Senator Ted Cruz, former White House candidate, warned Friday that the November 3 presidential and parliamentary elections in the United States could turn into a " bloodbath " of historic proportions for Republicans, if voters suffer still from the hard impact of the pandemic. " I am worried, " declared Donald Trump's former rival in the Republican primary in 2016, who has now become on

Republican Senator Ted Cruz, former White House candidate, warned Friday that the November 3 presidential and parliamentary elections in the United States could turn into a "


" of historic proportions for Republicans, if voters suffer still from the hard impact of the pandemic.


I am worried,

" declared Donald Trump's former rival in the Republican primary in 2016, who has now become one of his allies, on CNBC.

It's very volatile.


To read also: Donald Trump and the Covid-19: "Blow of poker"


I think if there are results, if people go back to work, if they are optimistic, if they are positive about the future, we could have a fantastic election, the president re-elected with a big margin in advance, Republicans gaining both houses of Congress, I think that's a real possibility,

”he explained.

But I also think that if on election day people are angry, and they have given up hope and they are depressed (...), it could result in a terrible election.

I think we could lose the White House, and both Houses of Congress, that it could be a Watergate-wide bloodbath

, ”he said.

The Democrats had in 1974 solidly consolidated their majorities in the Senate and the House of Representatives after the scandal which had forced Republican President Richard Nixon to resign in August.

And in 1976, Democrat Jimmy Carter defeated his successor, Republican Gerald Ford.

The United States is the most bereaved country in the world by the novel coronavirus pandemic, which has claimed more than 210,000 lives and left millions unemployed.

Donald Trump's handling of the crisis is widely criticized in polls, even if his support among Republicans remains very strong.

In the same interview, Ted Cruz accuses Congressional Democrats of seeking to heighten the anger and distress of Americans to provoke such a tidal wave in the elections, while negotiations for a new stimulus package slip.

Read also: Midterms 2018: Texas Senator Ted Cruz reelected

Donald Trump will play a new term in 25 days against Democrat Joe Biden, who is ahead of him in the polls.

In Congress, the 435 members of the House, now with a Democratic majority, and one-third of the Senate (33 seats), controlled by Republicans, will also be subject to the vote of the voters.