The Limited Times

Covid: USA, over 57 thousand cases in 24 hours

10/10/2020, 7:15:44 AM

The United States has registered over 57,000 cases of coronavirus in the last 24 hours: this is what emerges from the counts of Johns Hopkins University. According to the American university, yesterday there were 57,420 new infections in the country. (HANDLE)

(See 'Covid: USA, daily average increases ...' at 7:49 am) (ANSA) - ROME, OCTOBER 10 - The United States has registered over 57 thousand cases of coronavirus in the last 24 hours: this is what emerges from the Johns counts Hopkins University.

According to the American university yesterday the new infections in the country were57,420.

At the same time, 990 additional deaths were reported.

    Currently, according to Johns Hopkins, the US has 7,664,676 cases, including 213,787 deaths.


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