The Limited Times

Maduro: Colombia seeks to sabotage the Venezuelan legislative elections

10/10/2020, 7:30:45 PM

Caracas-SANA Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro has revealed that Colombia has been training Caracas-Sana Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro revealed that Colombia had trained "mercenaries" to "sabotage" the legislative elections scheduled for the sixth of December. "More than a thousand terrorist mercenaries are being prepared in Colombia under the authority of the Colombian National Army and its intelligence services with the knowledge, protection and support of Colombian President I


Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro revealed that Colombia had trained "mercenaries" to "sabotage" the legislative elections scheduled for the sixth of December.

"More than a thousand terrorist mercenaries are being prepared in Colombia under the authority of the Colombian National Army and its intelligence services with the knowledge, protection and support of Colombian President Ivan Duque," with the aim of "infiltrating Venezuela to sabotage the political and electoral climate," two months before, Maduro said in a statement carried by AFP. Legislative elections.

Venezuela severed diplomatic relations with Colombia in February 2019, after the latter recognized Venezuela's right-wing opposition leader, Juan Guaidó, as interim president.

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