The Limited Times

"Family man": the gift that never stops giving Israel today

10/11/2020, 9:54:56 AM

After Cleveland's role is manned, the new season continues to be extreme, goofy and therefore so funny • Now the closure is more comfortable | TV

After Cleveland's role is manned, the new season continues to be extreme, goofy and therefore so funny • At least now the closure is more comfortable

  • Funny and relevant.

    "Family Guy"


    FOX courtesy of yes

After a shake-up on Fox's flagship in the form of several players leaving the dubbing position following the George Floyd protest, some of the roles were re-staffed and the new season starting in episode 350 could be launched.

A "family man" is a gift that never ceases to give.

For years she maintains her unique style and does not lag behind trends, so a bit like Coca-Cola, her secret formula continues to work over the years.

It does not matter which episode from which season you watch, you will feel that it is funny and relevant as if it were a new episode.

The magic of "Family Man" is in the associations to which the creators "escape" during the scenes to illustrate the madness.

It's always extreme, and always goofy as only Peter Griffin knows how to be, so it's funny.

What fun that "Family Man" is back on screen.

At least now the closure is more convenient.

"Family Man" - answers yes VOD, 19