The Limited Times

Dora: "From somewhere my mother will be seeing that I am rolling her gavel"

10/11/2020, 2:40:14 PM

Bimba Bosé's daughter triumphs at the age of 16 as a singer and prepares to be the star of Paco León's new film

He uses expressions such as "rent me", "peña",

"to '


"is very stubborn", "I sweat the deck" or

"mixed feeling".

She has an account on the fashion social network, Tik Tok, and dresses as she pleases, with a fondness for flashy clothes.

All correct: he does the same as many Spanish teenagers.

What is rare is losing a mother prematurely.

Dora Postigo is 16 years old and her mother was called Bimba Bosé, a model, designer and singer who died with 41 from cancer.

When Bimba Bosé passed away in 2017, Dora was a 12-year-old girl.

It is not difficult for him to talk about the most terrible situation he has ever experienced.

He does it calmly and with a courageous and optimistic intention.

How Bimba was: brave and optimistic.

How do you overcome such a difficult situation being so small?

Keeping in mind where you are.

Not losing you.

It is like a hostion that puzzles you a lot.

Everything changes from one day to the next.

I had to accept that I was going to grow up before my time.

A lot of patience and be calm.

Do you remember the last conversation you had with her?

No. There are things from that time that I don't remember.

I remember before.

But not from the time that was bad.

It's weird, but the mind is like this: the things it doesn't want it gets rid of voluntarily.

I do remember last night.

My sister [June, born in 2011] was measuring it, with a meter.

I was saying: 'You measure



I was 12 years old.

It would be all heavy.

I'd be playing a video game.

Or painting, because my mother wouldn't let me play video games.

The teenager bears a clear physical resemblance to her mother.

He has also inherited the beauty from when his great-grandmother was young, the Italian actress Lucía Bosé.

The Madrilenian has in her genes the artistic condition of the family.

His great-uncle is the musician Miguel Bosé.

His great-grandfather, the bullfighter Luis Miguel Dominguín.

His father, Diego Postigo, musician and director.

He is also now the representative of his daughter.

"I didn't want her singing career to start so soon, but I can't stop it," says the father with a smile before the interview.

Already alone with Dora, it is soon found, indeed, that his is unstoppable.

She has edited seven songs, has performed at festivals such as the BBK, has participated in various advertising campaigns, has been the cover of the Spanish edition of



and will be the star of the new film directed by Paco León, which is beginning to shoot. in August.

“It's ugly to say it and people will say I'm a freak, but it's like this: I want to be a star.

I will not stop.

I have a lot of momentum.

When I want something, I want it.

And it's okay, really ”, he says between nervous laughs in a hotel in the center of Madrid.

Did you say to your mother, “I want to be a star, Mom”?

I think I already knew.

I made it quite clear since I was little.

My father has always been with me and at some point he has realized that what I have in mind was going to be possible.

Just as she did not have time to see it so clearly, but from somewhere my mother will be seeing that I am rolling her



He'll be saying,


this one's messing it up."

She was very feisty.

If he wanted something he would.

He had a lot of personality.

I see myself reflected in my mother every day.

Dora realized that she could dedicate herself to music when she toured with the

big band

of the Escuela de Música La Creativa.

There he began to know his voice and to lose his fear of acting in public.

Around that time, he posted some videos on YouTube singing with his mother.

They received thousands of visits.

For two years he has been composing songs and has partnered with the producer and DJ from Madrid, Pional.

He has two arguments that will facilitate his singing career: a great voice, versatile and with emotion, and an environment prone to helping him out.

Some of his compositions have been featured on the teen hit series



There are two outstanding pieces in his still short repertoire:

Snake Eyes,

a daring and suggestive modernization of the bolero, and


a hypnotic



about a heartbreak.

He sings in English and Spanish, at the moment he prefers electronic sounds, although he does not rule out rock.

"I like everything:" Kendrick Lamar, D'Angelo, Skrillex, Los Ronaldos, Bad Bunny, Rosalía, Aretha Franklin, Yung Beef ... "And The Cabriolets, of course, the group formed by his parents, Diego and Bimba.

"The police stop me on the street"

“Someone my age tells me they don't know who the Beatles are and I say: 'Let's see, what world do you live in?'

But yes, there are many people my age who do not know them.

Or Michael Jackson.

I don't understand it, but it is so.

My parents have always put music through a tube for me, ”he says.

Despite this cultural slip, the singer defends her generation (she is 16 years old, let's not forget it).

“It is a lie that we are not committed to anything.

I move around Dos de Mayo [Malasaña neighborhood, in Madrid] and there for people my age who do everything: record records, paint, design ... We are interested in feminism, we are to death with the Black Lives Matter movement ... We are very restless ”.

After studying at a private British school in Madrid, Dora has started her first Bachelor's degree at a public school in the capital.

He tells of something that has happened to him on the street “at least five times”: he is stopped by the police.

“It's always because of the pints.

We carry


and they stop us.

We go with very baggy sweatshirts and pants.

One day we ran because the traffic light was going to turn green.

And some cops chased us asking why we were going so fast.

And I: 'Well, because it's in red'.

The truth is that the police are not my friend.

They ask us for the documentation.

You can't tell them anything.

They ask me if I have 'some kind of narcotic with me'.

'Uncle, check me out.'

There is no trust if it does not come from the other side.

Not all are the same, but… ”.

"Dora Bosé?

Not a joke "

The topic of surnames comes up in the conversation.

She has not wanted them.

You have opted for an uppercase stage name, DORA.

“I have never wanted to have last names.

I don't look like Dora Postigo.

And Dora Bosé?

Not a joke.

Since I was little I did not want to follow that saga.

I don't feel like it.

It seems irrelevant to me.

I do not get it.

Why do I have to follow a saga because I am born where I am born?

Can't I ride my story?

There are people who tell me that I have to follow the Bosé clan.

I don't have to follow anything ”, he assures with determination.

He says he admires his great-uncle, Miguel Bosé.

“I respect him a lot.

It had a lot of influence on my desire to be a singer.

Seeing my uncle filling concerts is my dream, ”he says.

But she does believe, by entering the current relationship with the singer, that the coronavirus is real.

He ends the talk by talking about a video of his mother that he likes to watch.

Bimba performing in a small joint, pregnant with her: “It seems that she is going to explode and she is going to give birth to me on stage.

And he is there, jumping and wasting energy ”.

That's how Bimba was and that's how his daughter Dora is.