The Limited Times

Experts: "The Ministry of Health's exit plan is good, but it has shortcomings" Israel today

10/11/2020, 7:06:51 PM

| healthAfter publishing the outline, we tried to understand what the chances are of its success - or whether we are on the way to a further increase in morbidity • Experts agree that although the plan is not detailed enough, it does inspire hope: "The small details must be taken care of" The Ministry of Health today (Sunday) published the outline for a gradual exit from the quarantine that it intends to

After publishing the outline, we tried to understand what the chances are of its success - or whether we are on the way to a further increase in morbidity • Experts agree that although the plan is not detailed enough, it does inspire hope: "The small details must be taken care of"

The Ministry of Health today (Sunday) published the outline for a gradual exit from the quarantine that it intends to present the next day at the Corona Cabinet meeting.

According to the plan, in which the details may change, meetings between family members, recreation on the beaches and demonstrations are allowed from the very first Sunday.

Two weeks later, on November 1, classes in grades 1-4 will resume.

Photo: GPO

In an attempt to understand the chances of success of the program and whether Israel might find itself in a significant increase in Corona virus morbidity, we turned to two medical experts - and these were unanimous that only strong adherence to the guidelines and operation of the Corona Commissioner A real chance for the success of the graded exit process.

Prof. Leonid Eidelman, former chairman of the Israel Medical Association and currently president of the World Medical Association and director of the anesthesia department at Beilinson Hospital, believes the plan is good but requires further detail, including operating a traffic light program and better preparation of the education system. After all, the principle of gradual exit from quarantine is true, but it is also important to add the whole issue of differential treatment to places where there is currently a high morbidity and there will also be a high morbidity in the future.

It will be necessary to produce the right structure for all these places, and it will not be very difficult to carry out the graded exit properly. "

He said, "The whole country cannot be imprisoned because of certain cities or because of the decisions of certain public leaders. This point has a hint in a published plan, but I do not know if this important point will be made - and it is very central. In the neighbor, and one must understand and explain this principle so that people understand and agree with it. One has to find out if the education system is really ready in terms of capsules hermetically from the time the child arrives until he returns home. In education one needs to create capsules at the highest level. "Even more teachers are infecting children. That means there are a lot of practical details that the program does not talk about, and I hope that when they come down to reality they will be brought in."

Prof. Eidelman also said that he calls on decision-makers not to attach the plan to certain dates, but to reality.

"The dates are not Torah from Sinai but anchors, and it will have to be seen what is happening in the field and what is appropriate for each city and each region in Israel," he said.

Prof. Shuki Shemer, Chairman of the Board of Assuta, former Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Bank of Israel, Director General of Maccabi Health Services and Director General of the Ministry of Health, also notes that the program requires comprehensive public leadership and leadership from various sectors of Israeli society. According to him, the plan will be carried out in the best way if the public in the system is supposed to return.

In a conversation with Israel Today, he says that "the point is not the schedule but the results on the ground. It will be possible to shorten or extend deadlines. In fact, even before the traffic light program is activated, it is important to tell the public that we will live with this virus for several months and maybe even a few more years. "So even though the plan is very good on paper, its success depends on many other details. If these do not happen, then we will get to a repeat outbreak and a third closure pretty soon."

"An entire country cannot complete a closure because of a point outbreak. These closures and restrictions have health, mental and economic prices and it is not possible that because of one sector or another the whole country will return recently," said Prof. Shemer.

"Right now we are all traumatized by the results of the opening of the previous closure, an event that should have been better managed. The closure is not a solution."

From Bnei Gantz's Twitter

In his opinion, the mayors should be given powers and work closely with the Ministry of Health so that the education system can return to learning in a correct and better way.

"I think it is appropriate to return the studies to the age of 9-0 already in the first stage. For all this, I am concerned about the situation in the hospitals and health funds. The system should be prepared so that it will not be in a very heavy load for the winter - the Home Front Command "And to explain to the public that in the foreseeable future there will be no more gatherings, that there will be a need to put on a mask and maintain hygiene. There will be no conventions or weddings in the halls in the next two years - and there will be a need to compensate all these businesses," he said.

"Bottom line, the most important thing is to prevent a severe outbreak in winter, which could bring the health care system to a state of inadequacy," said Prof. Shemer.

"There is a lot of logic in the outline, but it is necessary to reconsider stages and shorten some of them. It is also necessary to protect the elderly, but not to be isolated."