The Limited Times

Pope Francis: more women in positions of responsibility in the Church

10/11/2020, 1:09:45 PM

Pope Francis said this at the end of the Angelus (ANSA)"We pray that the lay faithful, especially women. Will participate more in the Church's institutions of responsibility". Pope Francis said this at the end of the Angelus. "None of us have been baptized a priest or a bishop - he observed -, we have all been baptized as laymen, lay and lay. They are protagonists of the Church". "Today - he continued - there is still a need to expand the spaces for a

"We pray that the lay faithful, especially women. Will participate more in the Church's institutions of responsibility".

Pope Francis said this at the end of the Angelus.

"None of us have been baptized a priest or a bishop - he observed -, we have all been baptized as laymen, lay and lay. They are protagonists of the Church".

"Today - he continued - there is still a need to expand the spaces for a more incisive female presence in the Church and a lay presence, of course, but emphasizing the female aspect, because in general women are set aside".

"We must promote the integration of women in the places where important decisions are made", the Pontiff reiterated. 

"I would like to recall the prayer intention that I proposed for this month of October, and it says this: let us pray that the lay faithful, especially women. Participate more in the institutions of responsibility of the Church", said the Pontiff after the recitation of the prayer. Marian.

"Because none of us have been baptized a priest or a bishop - he explained -, we have all been baptized as laymen, lay and lay. They are protagonists of the Church".

"Today - he continued - there is still a need to expand the spaces for a more incisive female presence in the Church and a lay presence, of course, but emphasizing the female aspect, because in general women are set aside".

"We must promote the integration of women in the places where important decisions are made," she reiterated.

"We pray that, by virtue of baptism, the lay faithful, especially women, will participate more in institutions of responsibility in the Church - he concluded -. Without falling into clericalism, which nullifies the lay charism and also ruins the face of the Holy Mother Church. ".