The Limited Times

Revolution: Shortening the isolation period for patients Israel today

10/11/2020, 4:48:57 PM

| healthStudies have found that the chance of finding a live virus in a corona patient drops to 0 after 20 days • Following the data, the Ministry of Health decided to adopt the outline • All details Revolution in the definition of recovery for hospitalized corona patients: The Ministry of Health will also shorten the isolation period for hospitalized corona patients to a period of 10 days, for mild and

Studies have found that the chance of finding a live virus in a corona patient drops to 0 after 20 days • Following the data, the Ministry of Health decided to adopt the outline • All details

Revolution in the definition of recovery for hospitalized corona patients: The Ministry of Health will also shorten the isolation period for hospitalized corona patients to a period of 10 days, for mild and moderate patients (of which three days without symptoms) and 20 days for critically ill patients. 

Senior Minister of Health: It is likely that early childhood education will not open until the beginning of next week // Photo: GPO

This is without the need for two negative pen tests.

In doing so, the Ministry of Health accepted the staff's recommendation to treat epidemics.

This is what Israel Today has learned.

The directive will cover all the moderate and mild patients in the hospitals.

The only patients who will be required for two negative pen tests are patients with suppression of the immune system.

So far only mild patients who are not hospitalized are defined as recovering without the need for tests.

The need to perform two negative tests several days apart leads to corona patients being required to be hospitalized in isolated wards for weeks and even months.

However evidence gathered in studies around the world found that the chance of finding a live virus in critically ill patients after 15 days stands at 5% and reaches 0% after 20 days.

This is despite the fact that tests of the pen, which detect residues of genetic material of the virus, may continue to be positive.

"This process has delayed a lot of patients in hospitals to date and it will definitely simplify the issue of recovery and treatment and I assume it will reduce a lot of burden on hospitals," said Dr. Sharon Elroi Price, head of public health services at the Ministry of Health. the news.

Dr. Tal Brosh Nisimov, the team for the epidemic treatment team and head of the Infectious Diseases Unit at Assuta Ashdod, explains the team's recommendations:

Even if in most cases they move to an internal ward. "

He explained that the decision hours are not that the patient recovers because sometimes a seriously ill patient will be left with the complications of the disease, but that he does not infect his environment: "As long as the corona patient is endangered the environment is actually closed in the corona ward. But also can not meet his family members, can not receive rehabilitation and can not return home or to a nursing home. 

"In recent months, a lot of information has been accumulated about the patients' infections, and works have been published that show that a mild patient stops being infected after 10 days, when today they are often hospitalized for weeks and months and wait for negative pen tests. 

"This is a very sensitive test and also reveals low amounts of the virus. In our recommendation we rely on data from the scientific literature. They found that when laboratories tried to grow the virus the chance of finding a live virus, which can also infect, after 15 days from the onset of the disease "After 20 days. So that after 20 days a corona patient can come out of isolation and depending on his condition it will be decided whether to transfer him to a regular ward, or to a geriatric institution or home treatment. Even if he has not recovered from the complications of the disease."