The Limited Times

Say hello to the Empress of Jerusalem: The largest butterfly in Israel has been documented in the capital - Walla! Tourism

10/11/2020, 12:39:45 PM

The Empress of the Caleb, which is considered the largest butterfly of the day in Israel and Europe and has a wingspan of 10 cm, is better known in the mountains but was first documented inside Jerusalem

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Say hello to the Empress of Jerusalem: The largest butterfly in Israel has been documented in the capital

The Empress of the Pole, which is considered the largest butterfly of the day in Israel and Europe and has a wingspan of 10 cm, is better known in the mountains but was first documented in Jerusalem.


  • nature

  • Butterflies

  • Nature Protection Society

Ziv Reinstein

Sunday, 11 October 2020, 15:07

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The largest butterfly of the day in the country.

Empress of the Pole, last week (Photo: Avner Rinot, Society for the Protection of Nature)

Imperial up to Jerusalem:

Empress of the Eastern strawberry tree, which is considered a butterfly Israel's largest and one of the nicest ones, taken last week was filmed for the first time at the station for the Study of birds in Jerusalem named Nili and David's Society for the Protection of Nature.

Butterfly, shot by Abner Rinot reviewer wildlife surveys in urban society Protection nature, is considered commonplace during the summer and autumn in the mountains of Jerusalem, but Aoclosiotio are areas of open land, including habitat of Mediterranean scrub rich with large patches of trees Arbutus is, the host (the plant from which feed on larvae butterfly) of this species in Israel.

a female butterfly Much larger than the male: its wingspan is 108-100 mm (about 10 cm), while the wingspan of the male is 84-80 mm.

Rinot explains that the empress is common in the high mountain areas, from the Upper Galilee, through the Carmel and Samaria to the Judean mountains, but in the big city of Jerusalem, observations of this species are very rare and therefore much excitement.

"In autumn, adult butterflies tend to roam and reach outside their normal range, even to lower areas such as the Samaria Cathedral and the like, and the surprise is that the Empress came to us only now. The Empress may have been attracted to the station thanks to the pole trees planted in recent years," he says.

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