The Limited Times

Sky TG24: Impact, four points to understand climate change

10/11/2020, 11:30:45 AM

New study edited and conducted by Daniele Moretti (ANSA)Global warming is "unambiguous". The IPCC, the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, has defined it this way since 2007, with an adjective that leaves no room for doubt. Yet there is still the perception that the phenomenon is not so certain, or at least so serious, while the focus should be on the debate on the solutions, already known, and on the ways to implement them. One y

Global warming is "unambiguous".

The IPCC, the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, has defined it this way since 2007, with an adjective that leaves no room for doubt.

Yet there is still the perception that the phenomenon is not so certain, or at least so serious, while the focus should be on the debate on the solutions, already known, and on the ways to implement them.

One year after COP26, the United Nations conference that will decide what the world should do for the climate in the next decade and what changes await us in the future,

Sky TG24 talks about Climate Change with "Impact - Solutions for a crisis", an in-depth study in four episodes broadcast from Monday 12 October at 8.30 pm for four weeks and available on demand.

    Curated and conducted by Daniele Moretti, with the collaboration of scientists Stefano Caserini and Stefano Poguz who will alternate in the four episodes, "Impact - Solutions for a crisis" takes stock of the situation on climate change.

    Through a scenography of great impact and a clear and direct language, it is a timely account of how real climate change is: it shows what has been tried and what has not, then focusing on what is really possible to do to address the problem, deepening, from second episode, the themes of mitigation, adaptation and energy transition.

    The program is enriched by the contributions of many international experts.

Furthermore, in the thematic episodes, the First Vice President of the European Commission and European Commissioner for the climate and the European Green Deal, Frans Timmermans, the Minister of the Environment, Sergio Costa, and the CEO of Enel, Francesco Starace will be guests.

    The first episode will contain speeches by John Cook researcher of the Center for Climate Change Communication at George Mason University, Anthony Leiserowitz, director of the Yale Program on Climate Change Communication, Naomi Oreskes, of Harvard University, author of the essay "Merchants of Doubts", Elizabeth Kolbert, New Yorker journalist and Pulitzer Prize winner and Robert Costanza, environmental economist father of the idea of ​​"natural capital".

    The topics covered in "Impact - Solutions for a crisis" will also find space on the website, with a special dedicated section where users can deepen the topic, with extra content, full interviews with experts and verified references of scientific articles , so that you can get a clear, complete and profound idea on the subject.