The Limited Times

Don Juan flames in his new clothes

10/12/2020, 7:00:46 PM

The version revisited by the choreographer Johan Inger opens the Chaillot season. At work, the Italian dancers of L'Aterballetto who have already seduced Ferrara.

The tail stretches under the arches.

One meter between each spectator.

Only one door is open.

On the threshold, an opener aims at you with an electronic thermometer and invites you to open your hands under a fountain of hydroalcoholic gel.

The administrative part follows: two large wooden desks have been erected.

We rely on it to write on a form his name, address, email and phone number to be contacted in the event of an epidemic.

Welcome to the theater!

Elegant as usual, but much more patient than usual, the Ferrarais submit to the procedure without flinching.

It's about going to see a new

Don Juan


Choreographed by Johan Inger for the Aterballetto which reigns over dance in Reggio Emilia.

Sixteen dancers, sixteen roles and zero substitutes.

It is true that in this version, the descent into hell is not planned.

Read also:

At the Paris Opera, the dancers facing the Covid-19

Swedish living in Spain, Johan Inger is the spiritual son of Mats Ek.

He walks in his footsteps, re-reading old myths with this

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