The Limited Times

Argentina refused to sign a harsh condemnation by countries of the region to the Venezuelan regime

10/13/2020, 9:45:47 PM

The Lima Group requested that the UN report on Human Rights violations in Venezuela be taken into account by the International Criminal Court.

10/13/2020 18:26

  • Clarí

  • Politics

Updated 10/13/2020 6:34 PM

The countries that make up the

Lima Group

requested on Tuesday that the testimonies and documents on human rights violations in Venezuela included in the report of the United Nations Organization (UN) serve as evidence for the investigations of the International Criminal Court on the Government of Nicolás Maduro.

Argentina, which is a formal member of that group,

decided not to sign the order

, despite the fact that last week it

endorsed the UN report

and voted in favor of extending the stay in Caracas of the special commission that investigates the crimes of the Chavista regime. 

"In light of the findings of these investigations, (we ask that) those responsible for these crimes be brought to justice and that the victims and witnesses

receive due reparation and protection,

" Bolivia, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Colombia requested in a statement. Costa Rica, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, Panama, Paraguay and Peru, The document was also signed by the representatives of the opposition legislator Juan Guaidó, proclaimed president of Venezuela by the Congress of that country.

The countries of the Lima Group also demanded a "thorough" and urgent investigation into the alleged "connections" of the Bolivarian Executive with

"organized crime, terrorism and


corruption networks

, drug trafficking, human trafficking and smuggling. ".

The group of nations renewed its support for Guaidó and

rejected the December 6 elections

called by Caracas to elect a new National Assembly.

The intention of the Lima Group is that these elections be postponed until transparency can be ensured.