The Limited Times

Collision with earth? Asteroid "Bennu" on a critical course - complicated NASA rescue plan is underway

10/13/2020, 8:19:26 AM

A NASA probe broke into space because an earth asteroid is dangerous. The project only works if the probe can return.

A NASA probe broke into space because an earth asteroid is dangerous.

The project only works if the probe can return.

  • The


    has a

    space probe

    into the



  • An


    could be

    dangerous to




  • The aim of the


    is to prevent an impact.

Washington -


, National Aeronautics and Space Administration, in German National Aeronautics and Space Administration is the civil US federal agency for space and flight science founded in 1958.



of NASA's "to improve life here, extend the life outside and there to find life outside."

This gives rise to the mission "

to understand and



home planet

, to explore the universe and search for life and to inspire the next generation of researchers".

NASA discovers asteroid "Bennu" - risk for the earth

NASA is therefore trying

 to identify

dangers to the earth - such as


- from space at

an early stage 


A potential source of danger has been identified in the space atmosphere, the asteroid


poses an enormous risk to human survival. To prevent a devastating


between the earth and the asteroid, the US federal agency has come up with an ingenious plan.

However, there is no cause for panic, because according to NASA the dangerous small body is about 334 million kilometers away from the earth.

Nevertheless, “Bennu” represents a



should not be underestimated for the “blue planet”

. That is why NASA has now launched a

space probe

into space.

The only goal of this


is to prevent an impact.

The "reverse vacuum" TAGSAM on @OSIRISREx was invented by our engineer who used a plastic cup, air compressor, and gravel driveway to conduct the first test.

The system will be used to collect a sample from asteroid Bennu.


Watch a behind-the-scenes lab test:

- Lockheed Martin (@LockheedMartin) October 6, 2020

NASA sends space probe "OSIRIS-REx" with a special order

Even before

four years

, NASA space probe into the



In mid-October the time will finally come and "


will reach the asteroid.

However, the astronauts will not land on the minor planet, but will


a three-meter-long

robot arm

, which will then

suck in

60 grams of

rock samples


NASA has never before collected asteroid particles.

Then "OSIRIS-REx" will make the long way back to earth.

In any case, there is no reason to rush.


return flight

to earth is

even a little faster than the outward flight

, with a

travel time of


three years


“Bennu” could only

collide with the earth


150 years


NASA therefore still has enough time to examine the asteroid particles and obtain important information from them. 

That the danger is justified only recently became apparent when an asteroid just whizzed past Earth.

List of rubric lists: © dpa-Bildfunk

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