The Limited Times

Coronavirus: how is the protocol for the reopening of shopping malls in the City

10/13/2020, 10:42:53 PM

There will be limits on the number of customers according to the size of each one and temperature control at the entrance. Cinemas or food courts will not work.

Sebastian Clemente

10/13/2020 18:10

  • Clarí

  • Cities

Updated 10/13/2020 6:10 PM

In the end, and after several failed attempts, now it does seem that the

shopping malls in the City of Buenos Aires will reopen


The agreement was reached after a meeting between Buenos Aires officials and the National Government this Tuesday at noon in the Casa Rosada, and according to the decree of the Executive Power, it will be published

this Wednesday.

It is not yet confirmed, but it is estimated that between Wednesday and Thursday the shopping centers will be launched.

The reopening had been discussed last week

, but the decision was left in stand bay and was only now defined.

For merchants, the time they can earn will be vital for sales leading up to

Mother's Day

, which is celebrated on Sunday.

In this first stage, only

the venues for the sale of different items will work

, which must respect the restrictions on the number of people and the protocols that already operate in street shops.

On the door of each of the premises will have pasted a sticker that will indicate the number of people who can enter.

That is, for clothing, for example, there will be no fitting rooms enabled and garments cannot be changed.

The entry permit according to the DNI number has already been eliminated as a requirement.

Indicator signs will be a constant in "the new normal" of shopping malls.

Photo: Rafael Mario Quinteros

Most of the establishments already have the facilities ready to open.

The work accelerated last week, when the City Government began to negotiate with the national the openings of this stage of the quarantine, which began this Tuesday and ends on Sunday 25.

Amount of people

The number of people who can enter is calculated in one person every 15 square meters.

In addition, a single direction of circulation must be respected.

Thus, according to figures accessed by


, the

Abasto will have a maximum capacity of 2,500 people

, the Paseo Alcorta, about 1,000, and Alto Palermo will be able to enter about 1,400.

For its part, Dot Baires has a capacity for around 2,500 visitors, the Patio Bullrich for around 900, Galerías Pacifico for around 1,302 and at Village Caballito about 850 enter.

The list continues with El Solar, suitable for about 600 visits, Recoleta Urban Mall, where with the new restrictions, around 650 customers fit, Plaza Liniers, with about 630, Portal Palermo, which has a limit of up to 370, Parque Brown Factory , with about 1,110, Devoto Shopping, with about 1,000, and Caballito Shopping, where about 390 people enter.

Arrows on the floor to mark the direction of traffic.

The Buenos Aires shopping malls were authorized and will open this week.

Photo: Rafael Mario Quinteros


Each shopping center will have a

single entrance

, as is the case in the Arcos District, which opened for having a large part of its outdoor space.

On the Paseo de


the maximum number of customers admitted is 1,948, as reported at the time of its reopening. 

At each access, companies must have personnel to control entry.

This has to do with

taking the temperature,

the use of alcohol gel and the number of customers who enter.

In Abasto, for example, there will be a people counter similar to the one already used in Distrito Arcos, which will record income and expenses.

And in addition,

a camera

has already been installed

that takes the temperature of up to ten people at the same time

, from 8 meters away.


sanitizing mats

are also ready 

for customers to clean their footwear.

In addition, and as in other activities that gather large numbers of people, there will be awareness-raising from the City Government to control

that there are no crowds and that social distancing is respected.

To reopen, shopping malls must reinforce the cleanliness of circulation spaces.

Photo: Rafael Mario Quinteros

The recommendation that will be given to clients is

that they try to go unaccompanied.

The objective is that the renewal of the public is fluid to avoid forming lines and long waits. 

In addition,

gel alcohol and sanitizers

must be made available to the public

at the entrances to shopping centers


The measure will also be implemented in each of the premises. 

If a store reaches its maximum capacity, customers will have to wait outside.

For this, waiting places must be marked, in order to guarantee

a distance of 2 meters between worker-client and between clients.

In addition, staff will be available to clean and disinfect spaces where people circulate and where there are stair railings or benches. 

The Arcos District, where there are large outdoor spaces, is now open.

Photo: Germán García Adrasti

Common spaces

For now the food courts will not work.

The gastronomic establishments must adapt their operation to the provisions of the approved protocols for the development of their activity, in the

take away or delivery



Nor will cinemas or attractions for children be enabled.

Although they are not the main activities of shopping malls, they work to attract the public.


They will be


, with the recommendation that sanitary hygiene conditions should be strengthened and the frequency of hygiene and disinfection increased.

Simultaneous use must also be controlled in toilets, in order to respect the minimum distance of 2 meters between each person.

Public transport

The workers of the shops, not being among the employees of the items considered essential, will

not be able to use public transport.

The transfer will be at the employer's expense. 

As for the

parking lot

, as stipulated they may open, but access to the shopping centers will be done in order to comply with the established capacity.