The Limited Times

Scary figure: 50 percent of adult patients - ultra-Orthodox; Appreciation Adhered to Prayers Israel today

10/13/2020, 5:46:03 AM

| healthThe Haredi information headquarters in the Ministry of Health publishes the figure, which is considered dramatic, since the size of the sector is only 12 percent of the general population in Israel • The headquarters say: "The feeling is that adults are more guarded - but the figure presents a different reality and should worry the public" • Full details Despite the general decline in the number

The Haredi information headquarters in the Ministry of Health publishes the figure, which is considered dramatic, since the size of the sector is only 12 percent of the general population in Israel • The headquarters say: "The feeling is that adults are more guarded - but the figure presents a different reality and should worry the public" • Full details

Despite the general decline in the number of verified, the ultra-Orthodox information staff revealed this morning (Tuesday) a figure according to which more than 50% of elderly patients aged 65 and over are ultra-Orthodox, with an estimated majority of patients sticking to the holy days.

Rabbi Kanievsky collapsed in Simchat Beit Hashoeva // Archive photo: From the broadcast "Shia Leib"

The figure revealed is considered dramatic, since the ultra-Orthodox public in Israel accounts for only about 12% of the general population, and the percentage of adults over the age of 65 is a few percent, yet the number of adults in Corona from the ultra-Orthodox sector is about fifty percent of the total population in Israel.

An advertisement in the ultra-Orthodox media read: "They are the ones who gave their lives for us all our lives. They are the ones who were there for us day and night, teaching, educating, giving and caring. They are our father and mother! Let us strive to follow the guidelines, for us and for them."

The information office for the ultra-Orthodox sector says: "The data revealed makes it clear that, contrary to the prevailing feeling that adults are more guarded, as well as that young people protect themselves for fear of infecting the adults in their families, the data speak for themselves and should be of particular concern to our public."

It should be noted that for the first time, the ultra-Orthodox information staff is adopting a new slogan for the staff's publications: "The ultra-Orthodox keep the guidelines. We are careful about the sanctity of life."

The slogan is intended to emphasize that, contrary to the false impression in some of the media, the majority of the ultra-Orthodox public adheres to the guidelines and adheres to the mitzvah "and you are very much saved for your souls."

Today in the Cabinet: A discussion on the opening of ultra-Orthodox educational institutions

Meanwhile, as reported this morning in "Israel Today", one of the issues to be discussed during the Corona cabinet today is a deal that the ultra-Orthodox want to forge in dialogue with the government: an agreement to close the red ultra-Orthodox cities, along with a demand to open ultra-Orthodox educational institutions.

In fact, in recent days senior rabbis and rebbes have ordered their men to return to educational institutions yesterday, but on Sunday night talks began between government officials and ultra-Orthodox public leaders, Rabbis Kanievsky and Edelstein and also the senior rebbe, and at the last minute the rabbis agreed to postpone return to school tomorrow See what the government is formulating in today's debate. 

In a dialogue between the ultra-Orthodox and the government, the ultra-Orthodox say they will agree to the expected closure of the red cities, many of which are ultra-Orthodox cities, but demand the opening of Torah and yeshivot studies.

An ultra-Orthodox source involved in the incident told Israel Today: "It sounds like an ultimatum but it is not. This is a statement of intent that is not self-evident. There is broad agreement by all ultra-Orthodox rabbis and rebbe to agree to a closure on ultra-Orthodox cities, but the government will have to approve Returning studies in those cities in Talmud Torah and Yeshivot.

The Israeli public will benefit from this, the fear of infection from the ultra-Orthodox public will decrease because there will be a closure, and in addition they will receive the full cooperation of the ultra-Orthodox sector. "