The Limited Times

The Saudi aggression commits 316 new violations of the ceasefire agreement in Hodeidah

10/13/2020, 6:33:46 PM

Sana'a-SANA The Saudi aggression forces and their mercenaries committed 316 new violations of the ceasefire agreement in Al-Hidd Governorate

Sana'a - Sana

The Saudi aggression forces and their mercenaries committed 316 new violations of the ceasefire agreement in Al-Hudaydah Governorate, west of Yemen, during the past twenty-four hours.

Al Masirah Net quoted a source in the Liaison and Coordination Officers Operations Room to monitor violations of the aggression forces in Al Hudaydah Governorate, as saying today that "the violations included flying seven warplanes in the airspace of Al Faza, Hais, Al Jabaliya and Al Jah in the governorate."

The same source pointed out that among the violations were 21 spy planes flying in the airspace of At-Tuhayat, Al-Jabaliya and Al-Jah, 64 violations with artillery shelling, and 224 violations with different bullets.

The Yemeni parties had reached during their talks in Sweden on the thirteenth of December 2018, a ceasefire agreement in the Hodeidah governorate and understandings regarding the city of Taiz, but the forces of Saudi aggression and their mercenaries continued their violations and violations of this agreement.

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