The Limited Times

Munich: New Corona rules apply from today: Reiter warns of "even more drastic measures"

10/14/2020, 4:09:47 AM

The incidence value for Munich has passed a critical mark. Now the city is taking action and imposing new rules. We show what is changing.

The incidence value for Munich has passed a critical mark.

Now the city is taking action and imposing new rules.

We show what is changing.

  • In Munich * the incidence value has risen significantly again.

  • The city is therefore imposing new restrictions - especially the city center and the liquor bar are affected.

  • Mayor Dieter Reiter is already talking about a new lockdown.

Munich - everyone has to swallow that now!

Stricter rules * will

apply again in the city from Wednesday

- including a

ban on serving alcohol

in restaurants from 10 p.m.

Reason: The

seven-day incidence value

climbed to 50.6 on Sunday, again above the critical mark of 50. Exactly 54 new corona cases * were reported on Monday, and a total of 12,580 infections were confirmed.

11,056 people have recovered and 229 have died.

So the city is now pulling the reins:


Command back: Mask compulsory again at the Viktualienmarkt.

© Achim Frank Schmidt

Corona rules in Munich: Mask in the city center and parties only in small groups

Mask requirement:



between 9 a.m. and 11 p.m. in the pedestrian zone, Schützenstraße, on Stachus, on Marienplatz, Sendlinger Straße, Sendlinger-Tor-Platz, Viktualienmarkt or on the sidewalks in the valley must



mask *


Party rules:

As of Wednesday, staying in private as well as in public spaces and at a common table in the restaurant is only permitted in

groups of up to five people

(previously ten) - or with members of your own household and members of another household.

For private celebrations,

25 people are


inside and 50 outside


So far, 50 or 100 have been approved.

Corona rules in Munich: Alcohol served for a limited time on the weekend

Alcohol ban:

On Friday and Saturday there is still a

ban on alcohol for out-of-home sales

from 9 p.m. and for consumption in public spaces from 11 p.m. (until 6 a.m.) at the well-known hotspots.

A new addition is a

general ban on serving alcohol in restaurants

every day from 10 p.m.

The rules apply until October 27th, midnight.


The event that starts on Saturday can take place, but the

number of visitors will be reduced from 1000 to 500



The increasing number of infections in Munich is having an impact on the catering trade: the serving of alcohol is prohibited from 10 p.m.

© Felix Hörhager / dpa

Corona rules in Munich: Schools and daycare operations not affected for the time being

Citizens' meetings:

The meetings for

Hadern and Trudering-Riem

(planned for October 15),

Sendling-Westpark and Ramersdorf-Perlach

(October 22)

must be canceled


Mayor Dieter Reiter


: “We are now at a

crucial point as

to whether we can further contain the spread or whether the virus will spread - which would then lead to more

drastic measures


Now we are all called


to take responsibility in order to prevent a

lockdown *

. ”By the way:

Schools and day-care centers

are not affected for the time being.

Criticism of the CSU:

parliamentary group leader Manuel Pretzl

said: "The bar ban punishes the innkeepers and guests who behave sensibly." The

group vice-


Evelyne Menges

added that a bar closing at 10 p.m. is difficult to implement in practice.

“The city should rather

trust the

common sense of

its citizens


(S. Karowski) * is part of the Ippen-Digital network

List of rubric lists: © Felix Hörhager / dpa

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