The Limited Times

Coronavirus in Argentina: another 421 deaths and 17,096 new cases are reported

10/15/2020, 10:09:53 PM

It is the highest number of infections in a day. The country reached 25 thousand deaths.

10/15/2020 6:58 PM

  • Clarí

  • Society

Updated 10/15/2020 7:07 PM

The Ministry of Health of the Nation reported this Thursday

another 421 deaths and 17,096 new cases

of coronavirus throughout the country.

This is the highest number of cases for one day.

With the number of deaths registered this Thursday, the country exceeded 25 thousand deaths from the pandemic. 

The Secretary of Access to Health,

Carla Vizzotti

, pointed out in the latest federal report that "the epidemiological situation has been sustained in recent weeks in relation to

stability in the AMBA,

with agreements and planning of openings and, in the rest of the country, this increase in the number of cases. "

In that sense, he highlighted the decree of necessity and urgency signed by President Alberto Fernández and "agreed with the governors" that establishes "intensive actions" to reduce the circulation of people and viral transmission.

As explained by the official, the measure points to the "18 provinces that have community transmission (of the virus), increases in the number of cases and where there is tension in the health system."

It seeks "to reduce the circulation of people, impacting as little as possible on economic, industrial and commercial activities," he added.

On the other hand, Vizzotti provided details on the impact of the disease on

patients with or with a history of cancer.

As of September 20, 4,470 cases of Covid-19 were reported in these types of patients: 50.4% of them required hospitalization and 18.1% had to be treated in intensive care.

845 people died within this group, which shows a fatality of 18.9%.

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