The Limited Times

Gimena Accardi's pain at her father's funeral: she said goodbye to him in an intimate ceremony

10/15/2020, 7:45:48 PM

The actress, always accompanied by Nicolás Vázquez, gave the last goodbye to Hugo, who died after contracting coronavirus.

10/15/2020 4:19 PM

  • Clarí

  • Fame

Updated 10/15/2020 4:19 PM

The funeral of

Hugo Accardi

, father of actress

Gimena Accardi


was held at the Pilar Memorial

, who died on Tuesday, October 13 after contracting coronavirus and spending 55 days in the hospital.

The religious ceremony, as a protocol measure for the Covid-19 pandemic, was attended by only eight people.

Accardi read a few words from the book

Everything comes

, which his father wrote.

Later, Accardi, always accompanied by

Nicolás Vázquez

, received the condolences of friends who came to the place.

Such is the case of Paula Chaves and María del Cerro, close friends of the actress.

Accardi read a few words from the book "Everything arrives", written by his father.

Photo: Movilpress

In social networks, the actress had dedicated a moving text to her in which she recounted the fight her father fought against the coronavirus and how she managed to say goodbye.

"I love you dad

, I told you a thousand times while I massaged your head, feet, ears and while holding your hand hard. I caressed you as much as I could and told you nice things. I know you listened to me You even opened your eyes honey to look at me and smile at me several times, "Vázquez's wife began.

The last goodbye of Hugo Accardi, father of Gimena Accardi.

Photo Movilpress.

"I love you, you were a great father and I was able to say it and thank you in life, I have all the beautiful memories and a happy childhood.

Thank you for telling me that it was your pride

and for laughing out loud every time you saw me on stage" Gimena added.

Nico Vázquez, for his part, also used social networks to say goodbye to his father-in-law and shared an extensive text in tribute to him.

"Goodbye, Huguito. How many teachings you leave behind.

Thank you for so many years of love, so many shared talks, so many River vs. Boca enjoyed, wines and hugs that I will miss so much ...", the actor began.

María del Cerro and Paula Chaves, present at the last goodbye Hugo Accardi, father of Gimena Accardi.

Photo Movilpress.

And he added, with emotion on the surface, still with the pain and anguish that the loss of a loved one generates: "You are one of the people who have said 'I love you' the most in my life. What a way to celebrate what it happened to us, support us if we needed it, laugh out loud in a theater until distracting the audience ... ".

"'I like to write, you know? But I more like to read what causes in the other. If I did him well, that's it', you told me once. That was you, a good guy.

Father-in-law, friend, writer and goalkeeper.

We will lack one for football now and it will not be easy to find it. Not everyone can fly without a cape, become 'the least defeated fence' and take a record, "he described.

In turn, the actor of the theatrical success

One week nothing else

highlighted in the letter that he will continue to protect his daughter through a promise: “'Don't fight, or hit so many kicks, guys, it's important to be the FairPlay team' too That's what you told us ...

Rest assured that I will continue to care in the light of your eyes, your daughter Moan

, who not only carries your blood, but your essence: a wonderful woman.

I say goodbye to you with pride and admiration, because you deserve nothing else. "

Hugo and Gimena Accardi.

"You fought like a champion," wrote the actress.


Look also

Gimena Accardi said goodbye to her father with a shocking letter: "I know you were listening to me"

Eugenia "La China" Suárez and an emotional memory of Gimena Accardi's father