The Limited Times

Gloomy forecast for Europe: "Without tightening restrictions, the death toll will increase fivefold" Israel today

10/15/2020, 8:39:54 PM

| EuropeEU leaders meet in Brussels to discuss pan-European preparedness to tackle the epidemic • Europe's highest death toll in Russia • Italy's steep rise in infections and deaths Evacuation of Corona patient in Russia // Photo: AP In view of the rapid re-spread of the corona across Europe, about 100,000 new cases of infection per day, the World Health Organization warns that if European governments

EU leaders meet in Brussels to discuss pan-European preparedness to tackle the epidemic • Europe's highest death toll in Russia • Italy's steep rise in infections and deaths

  • Evacuation of Corona patient in Russia // Photo: AP

In view of the rapid re-spread of the corona across Europe, about 100,000 new cases of infection per day, the World Health Organization warns that if European governments do not act resolutely to increase restrictions on the population across the continent, the death toll could rise to four or five. The first epidemic.

EU leaders are meeting in Brussels to discuss pan-European preparedness to deal with the plague.

However, senior EU officials warn that health systems in various countries are no longer well prepared to face the mass epidemic.

Photo: Reuters

The highest number of deaths in Europe was recorded yesterday, again, in Russia - where 286 died (about 14,000 new cases of infection).

140 died in Spain, 138 in the United Kingdom (about 19,000 new infections), 91 in Poland (about 8,100 new infections) and 83 in Italy (about 8,900 new infections).

In Germany, district prime ministers in a meeting with Chancellor Merkel have decided on a series of new restrictions - including meetings, events and social gatherings in homes or public places.

If within ten days there is no decrease in the number of infected, it will be decided to further tighten the restrictions.

Yesterday, the highest number of new infections in Germany was recorded since the onset of the epidemic - 6,638.

In Italy, there has been another sharp rise in infections and deaths - and once again the province of Lombardy is becoming one of the focal points of the epidemic.

The number of daily infections in Italy is now higher than it was at the height of the epidemic in the country last spring.

Health experts recommend that the Italian government consider a general closure during the Christmas period, in about two months.