The Limited Times

Mps: Profumo and Viola sentenced to 6 years

10/15/2020, 4:25:17 PM

Alessandro Profumo and Fabrizio Viola were sentenced to six years of imprisonment in Milan and ended up on trial as former president and former CEO of MPS in a line of investigation into the Sienese bank. (HANDLE)

(ANSA) - MILAN, OCTOBER 15 - Alessandro Profumo and Fabrizio Viola were sentenced to six years of imprisonment in Milan, who ended up under trial as former president and former CEO of Mps in a series of investigations on the Sienese bank.

    For the two defendants also a fine of 2.5 million euros each.

The court held them responsible for charges B and C, that is, for false social communications relating to the 2015 half-yearly report and for rigging.

The other crimes have been declared prescribed and for some absolution has been declared because the fact does not exist.

The bank was sentenced to a fine of 800 thousand euros while for Paolo Salvadori, then president of the board of statutory auditors, the penalty was 3 years and 6 months.

    "We will carefully read the reasons and we will certainly appeal against a sentence that we consider wrong. We have always believed in the correct actions of our clients": is the comment of the lawyer AdrianoRaffaelli, one of the defenders of Alessandro Profumo and FabrizioViola.


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