The Limited Times

Psychologist reveals: That's why you should always have a 100 euro note with you

10/15/2020, 2:27:48 PM

Do you rarely have cash with you - and pay for everything by card? Then, according to an expert, you should reconsider that. Finally, there is a psychological trick.

Do you rarely have cash with you - and pay for everything by card?

Then, according to an expert, you should reconsider that.

Finally, there is a psychological trick.

  • Germans love their cash.

  • But only a few have large bills with them.

  • However, this can save a lot of money.

From now on, always carry a 50-euro or 100-euro note with you!

After all, there is a clever psychological trick behind this that you can use to trick your brain.

The reason for this: If you only pay for everything with your card or if you only have smaller euro bills with you, you will also spend money faster.

Behind this is the

concept of "mental accounting"

, as US psychologist Mary Gresham reveals.

Psycho trick: That's why you can save more money with large bills

That is, we make

financial decisions based on associations

that have to do with money.

As a result, the brain values ​​money differently.


with cash can



"pain of paying

" and create inhibitions.

Also interesting

: the ATM doesn't spit out any money?

No panic!

You should do this now


So we think twice about

opening a large, "special" note

, while on the other hand we are prepared to pay (smaller) amounts faster with a 20-euro bill.

A study by the "Journal of Consumer Research" also confirmed 

that it is very likely that you spend your money faster if you have five 20-euro bills

than if you carry a 100-euro bill with you *.

Germans love cash - but are they afraid of losing it?

On average

, a German carries around 107 euros in their wallet

, but very few have a full 100 euro note with them, according to a study by the Bundesbank in 2017.

Find out here


You can

save real money with the window trick - hardly anyone knows it


The majority of Germans still prefer cash via card payment * & Co., but most often only carry small bills and change with them.

So if you often withdraw large bills, you can

end up saving a lot of money

with this small but

effective psychological trick


The only disadvantage: If the wallet is lost or stolen, the risk of loss is also higher *.

Also read

: That is why there is a new net amount on your 2020 payslip.


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The money before the euro: do you still know these EU currencies?

* is part of the nationwide Ippen digital editorial network.