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With this trick, you can clean the spaces between the heater in no time

10/15/2020, 2:54:53 PM

Due to the low temperatures, the heating season has already started again for many. It's time to thoroughly clean the heater again - with this tip.

Due to the low temperatures, the heating season has already started again for many.

It's time to thoroughly clean the heater again - with this tip.

At the latest when the heating * is turned on, it is clear: Summer is now finally over.

Instead, the time has come again to lull yourself into the cozy blanket on the sofa and put on thicker socks.

At the same time, you should finally have your heating system cleaned thoroughly again.

Because: a layer of dust that is too thick on the heater can reduce its performance - by

up to 25 to 30 percent


That alone should be reason enough to blow the radiator through a bit again.

Cleaning the heater: This is how easy it is to clear the gaps

However, if you don't have the time to thoroughly wipe the heating down or you just have trouble getting to the gaps, then we have a tip for you: just take a

hair dryer

and use it to blow the dust out of the smallest corners.

So that the dust does not spread on the floor, cover it with damp towels or kitchen paper beforehand - this way you have already caught the dirt and can wash your towels or throw away the kitchen towels.

Also interesting

: When leaving the apartment: turn down the heating or switch it off?

Cleaning the spaces between the heating system - that's how it works

Alternatively, you can also use the vacuum cleaner (promotional link).

Find a

particularly flat attachment

and drive it along in the gaps.

Here you also have the advantage that the dust does not spread throughout the room.

If there are still residues of the dust layer in the gaps, you can carefully scrape them out with a brush.

Then vacuum or wipe up the dust that has fallen.

* is part of the nationwide Ippen-Digital editors network.

Also read

: How can I clean the inside of my radiator?

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List of rubric lists: © dpa / Jens Büttner

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