The Limited Times

Boccia a Regioni, 'we have helped you now give answers'

10/16/2020, 2:19:00 PM

"Maximum availability and maximum transparency, those who need help should say so, but this must be done before intervening on work and school. (ANSA)

(ANSA) - ROME, OCTOBER 16 - "Maximum availability and maximum transparency, let those who need help say so, but this must be done before intervening on work and school. In these months, lung ventilators have been distributed everywhere, as confirmed by Arcuri: the problem is where the fans have gone, we await real-time answers from the regions.

   Thus, according to what is learned, the Minister for Autonomies, Francesco Boccia, at the end of the State-Regions. "All the presidents have the autonomy to make more restrictive ordinances in the way they believe. But if we shared that the two pillars that we must protect are school and work and the ordinances affect those areas, it would be appropriate to have an agreement between the government and the regions. shared that they are working well but if, in this case, the president of the Campania Region has decided to issue an ordinance, he assumes responsibility for the effects. We have always been alongside all the Regions with materials, fans and resources ", he added. (HANDLE).