The Limited Times

Health reports the highest number of diagnoses of the epidemic in Spain: 15,186

10/16/2020, 5:21:48 PM

Almost a third of outbreaks are registered within the social sphere, followed by family and workTwo workers collect the terrace of a bar in the center of Barcelona this Friday.Enric Fontcuberta / EFE Note to readers: EL PAÍS openly offers essential information on the coronavirus during the crisis. If you want to support our journalism, subscribe here . Spain has for the first time exceeded 15,000 positives for coronavirus in a single day. The Ministry of Health has notified 15,186 diagnose

Two workers collect the terrace of a bar in the center of Barcelona this Friday.Enric Fontcuberta / EFE

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Spain has for the first time exceeded 15,000 positives for coronavirus in a single day.

The Ministry of Health has notified 15,186 diagnoses and 222 deaths this Friday.

Although the trend in recent weeks was downward, Fernando Simón, director of the Center for the Coordination of Health Alerts and Emergencies, already warned on Thursday: it is possible that we will enter a plateau, a previous stabilization and that after it the curve will return to rise.

  • Confirmed cases of coronavirus in Spain and in the world

What is now being seen is a generalized growth in almost the entire territory.

There are many differences between regions, but this Thursday all except the Canary Islands have a worse accumulated incidence than the previous day.

If in September it was Madrid that led the rise in positives and the one that conditioned the general trend in Spain, now the new cases are much more distributed throughout the territory.

In the statistics of this Friday Madrid contributed a fifth of the diagnoses, while there have been weeks that it concentrated practically a third.

The cumulative incidence in this community in the last 14 days remains below 500 (451.87) per 100,000 inhabitants.

The epidemic continues to explode in Navarra, which has an incidence of 847.12.

Never has a community had such a high rate, although it must be borne in mind that only a small percentage of all infections were detected during the first wave.

The average for Spain is 280.4, in a growth that places it almost at the height of the worst data (290), which was recorded in September.

Virtually all the indicators that experts use to check the evolution of the epidemic get worse.

The hospital occupancy of covid patients continues to grow (9.83%), also those admitted to intensive care (19.56%) and the percentage of positivity of the tests (11.3%).

The World Health Organization considers that if all suspects are tested, one can speak of epidemic control with less than 5% in this last indicator.

The Ministry of Health includes in its report this Friday a detailed analysis of the outbreaks that have been detected in the second wave.

The social sphere (meetings of friends and family, trips, leisure venues ...) concentrates the largest number of them (31.4%), followed by family (18.8%), work (13.3%), socio-health centers (8.3%), educational (6.1%), health centers (2.6%), in especially vulnerable groups such as reception centers or from boats (2.1%).

Information about the coronavirus

- Here you can follow the last hour on the evolution of the pandemic

- This is how the coronavirus curve evolves in Spain and in each autonomy

- Download the tracking application for Spain

- Search engine: The new normal by municipalities

- Guide to action against the disease