The Limited Times

SPIEGEL knowledge test "How good is your general education?": 5 questions about the news

10/16/2020, 5:19:28 PM

Who became Merkel's successor at the top of the CDU? General knowledge has to be refreshed constantly. Our quiz on events over the last few years shows you where the gaps are - five quick questions, five answers.

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Angela Merkel announces her departure from the CDU chairmanship

Photo: Photoshot / picture alliance / Photoshot

Ten years ago, hundreds of thousands took the large SPIEGEL knowledge test "How good is your general education?" took part. A lot has happened since then: Fridays for Future, refugee crisis, Corona and much more - the world has changed. How well do you know your way around today? Take part in the new knowledge test! For the third time, you will find a small selection of current questions here.

You will find all 150 questions from ten categories in the new book "How good is your general education?", The update to the first major knowledge test. You can also win the book - it's up to the raffle here.

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