The Limited Times

Tote-Hosen singer Campino coordinates concert dates with Liverpool FC's schedule

10/16/2020, 6:48:48 PM

Singer Campino coordinates concert dates with the schedule of Liverpool FC. On the other hand, he can cope with the fact that he was unable to follow the team's Champions League victory in the stadium.

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Campino: Recently published his first book

Photo: Sven Hoppe / dpa

It is well known that singer Campino is a big fan of Liverpool FC.

This love goes so far that he coordinates concert dates for the Toten Hosen with the schedule of Liverpool FC.

"The office is required to block certain days, the entire quarter-finals, semi-finals or final games in the Champions League," said the 58-year-old on the blue sofa of Bertelsmann, ZDF, Deutschlandfunk Kultur and 3sat on the occasion of the Frankfurt Book Fair.

It would be very annoying "if Liverpool came through and I had to play in Darmstadt or something like that on the same evening," said Campino.

"The audience doesn't want to experience that either."

He can cope with the fact that he could not follow this year's championship of Liverpool FC in the stadium due to the corona.

"It was by no means disappointing, because first of all it is important that the championship is won."

And it was lucky that the season was somehow played to the end.

Campino, whose real name is Andreas Frege, recently published his first book "Hope Street - how I once became an English master".

SPIEGEL editor Philipp Oehmke contributed to the book.

The book is not only about Liverpool FC, but also about the complex relationship between Campino's parents and his love for England.

Icon: The mirror

bbr / dpa