The Limited Times

Two cars collide in Tseung Kwan O, causing four injuries to BMW driver

10/16/2020, 7:15:48 PM

At about 1:00 am on Saturday (17th), a private car with a "P" brand was travelling along Chun Wang Street westbound in Tseung Kwan O Industrial Estate and turning right into Chun Ya Street when another private car was reported to be driving along Chun Hong Street. The BMW private car on the eastbound street arrives


Written by: Deng Haixing

2020-10-17 03:09

Last update date: 2020-10-17 03:09

At about 1:00 am on Saturday (17th), a private car with a "P" brand was travelling along Chun Wang Street westbound in Tseung Kwan O Industrial Estate and turning right into Chun Ya Street when another private car was reported to be driving along Chun Hong Street. A private BMW car on the eastbound street drove up and the two cars collided violently.

Everything had to be turned and shoveled on the safety island, the front of the car was damaged and the windshield was broken; the front of the BMW was also seriously damaged.

After the accident, the driver, passengers, and two people on the BMW, a total of 4 people were injured and sent to hospital.

According to on-the-spot news, after a friend of the injured in everything arrived, he quoted the driver as saying that he had witnessed 3 people getting off the BMW. Among them, the BMW driver left without paying attention, and the two injured at the scene were full of alcohol.


traffic accident