The Limited Times

Where the refrigerator is not allowed to stand - it sucks your wallet

10/16/2020, 1:36:48 PM

If the refrigerator is not in the right place, it will run inefficiently. But that's not all: the device can be damaged - and the price of electricity climbs.

If the refrigerator is not in the right place, it will run inefficiently.

But that's not all: the device can be damaged - and the price of electricity climbs.

Berlin - Have you ever thought about whether your refrigerator * is even positioned correctly?

Most of the time it ends up where there is just enough space and from where it can be easily reached.

But if you have the opportunity to move the refrigerator or are currently planning a kitchen, you should pay close attention to where your

refrigerator or freezer

should be.

We'll tell you why.

Setting up the refrigerator correctly - that's why it's so important

It sounds logical, but in many kitchens they are still wrong: Fridges and freezers should neither be in direct sunlight nor too close to other heat sources.

Because the Hausgeräte + initiative warns: If the room temperature increases by just one degree, the

electricity consumption of refrigerators increases by around six percent

, and that of freezers by three percent.

The result: the machines no longer run efficiently.

And: A build-up of heat can


energy consumption and thus also

electricity costs


Refrigerators therefore belong in the dark corner of the kitchen.

It is therefore best to keep an eye on the ambient temperature in order to be able to decide exactly where the refrigerator does not suffer any loss of cold.

For example, it doesn't help if you choose a dark corner, but then the stove or oven is right next to the refrigerator.

Heating in the immediate vicinity is also not very beneficial.

This will only drive up your electricity bill unnecessarily.

Also interesting

: Clean the refrigerator: You must not forget this point when cleaning.

With these tips, your refrigerator will eat less electricity

In addition, the ventilation slots should be dusted once or twice a year, according to the Hausgeräte + initiative.

The electronics store expert also reveals in its blog that free-standing refrigerators (advertising link) should not touch any walls - not even the wall behind them.

Because of their design, the devices rely on as

much air circulation

as possible

, just like most other cooling



If possible, keep a large distance to walls.

It is therefore best to find a cool place, such as the

cellar or a room with a low temperature


This is particularly worthwhile in houses where the way there can be reached quickly.

If you have no other choice but to set up the refrigerator in the kitchen - or simply prefer the shorter route - you should perhaps provide an insulating layer between the refrigerator and warmer devices such as the stove.

(fk / dpa) * is part of the nationwide Ippen-Digital editorial network.

Also read

: Cleaning the refrigerator: These tricks will keep it hygienically clean.

You haven't heard of these cleaning tricks

You haven't heard of these cleaning tricks

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