The Limited Times

Coronavirus: with another 13,510 cases, Argentina is close to one million infections

10/17/2020, 10:24:55 PM

The country counts 979,119 positives. In addition, the Ministry of Health of the Nation reported another 384 deaths, which already exceed 26 thousand.

10/17/2020 19:08

  • Clarí

  • Society

Updated 10/17/2020 7:17 PM

Argentina is on the way to

breaking a new barrier


The Ministry of Health of the Nation reported

13,510 new cases

of coronavirus

this Saturday

, so the country reached 979,119 infections and was very close to reaching one million.

In addition, they reported

384 other deaths,


totaling 26,107.

In the morning, the head of the health portfolio, Ginés González García, asked that society continue with preventive care and affirmed that the vaccine against COVID-19

"could be at the beginning of the year,

or perhaps a few days before". while

"in March" it would arrive en masse.

Although he said "to have a lot of hope", the minister remarked that still no vaccine is approved.

"Among the seven or eight vaccines that are in the first line, we are negotiating with five of those. There are three that are doing phase 3 trials in our country, and one will be manufactured here. But the exact date is not known by the manufacturers themselves. , since they do not know when it will be approved, "he admitted in an interview with Radio Continental.

However, Ginés clarified that "the problem is not when, but how many", since after obtaining the vaccine comes what the minister called "stage three, which is the logistics of a mass vaccination, which is not easy.

The vaccination will last several months

, it will be staggered, according to the amount we have. "

"Only in March we will be able to have the vaccine massively, but we will still vaccinate beforehand, as we have them," he said.

In this way he insisted on the need to "not relax now, when it is so close, perhaps in a couple of months, the safest alternative is the vaccine" and added: "Let's look at Europe, they thought they had overcome it, but the reality it's that it wasn't like that, and we don't want this to happen to us. "

"I am very proud of the quarantine,

" the Minister said later when asked what he would do differently, if he had to start over.

However, he indicated that "surely we would have done some different things, since it is easy to tell with Monday's newspaper."

The minister explained that "there is a version that would indicate that the virus has mutated to greater contagiousness" and although he maintained that he cannot "ensure" the certainty of the version, he considered that "the American continent continues to be the center of the pandemic and that unfortunately we have to take the measures that we have to take. "

On the other hand, a week after the announcement of President Alberto Fernández, 18 provinces with isolated cities strengthen their controls and hope that infections will decrease.

Among the most affected districts are Córdoba capital, Gran San Miguel (Tucumán), Santiago capital and La Banda, the city of Neuquén, Puerto Madryn and Río Grande (Tierra del Fuego), among others.

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