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Conflans attack: Imam Hassen Chalghoumi implores the state to "drive out Islamism"

10/19/2020, 6:31:13 PM

Hassen Chalghoumi came to pray in front of the Bois d'Aulne college in Conflans-Sainte-Honorine with other imams and the Jewish writer Marek H

A vibrant speech and very strong words.

“Fear has to change sides.

We need a justice equal to these crimes ”hammered Hassen Chalghoumi, the progressive imam of Drancy (Seine-Saint-Denis).

“The state must drive Islamism out of our country.

Go look for them where they are hiding, including in caves.

Now is the time to settle accounts, ”he exclaimed.

Four days after the terrorist assassination that cost the life of Professor Samuel Paty, the Muslim religious leader went, Monday afternoon, in front of the Bois d'Aulne college in Conflans-Sainte-Honorine (Yvelines).

Accompanied by a dozen imams and the Jewish writer Marek Halter, he placed a bouquet in front of the establishment, already drowned in flowers, and symbolically prayed for the “soul” of the “martyrs”.


Conflans-Sainte Honorine: hundreds of people pay tribute to Samuel Paty

“In the name of religion, I ask forgiveness from his family and all the teachers who are prophets in our religion.

Samuel Paty taught tolerance.

He is a martyr.

It is not possible to behead a man for an image, even that of the prophet ", apologized Hassen Chalghoumi, who confessed to come out of a police station where he had just filed a complaint for" death threats "to his. against.

And the Muslim responsible for vituperating against “the anti-republican forces” of the Cheikh Yassine collective, including one of his preachers, Abdelhakim Sefrioui, is cited in the investigation.

“He professes hatred, racist and anti-Semitic speech.

It is not the Islam of France, but the Islam of the Islamists, which puts our country at risk of civil war if the political will and of civil society do not react with the most extreme vigor.

Gentlemen, be up to these abject crimes, ”he implored.

"France is a little too used to violence"

The moderate imam also called for “real” chaplains in prisons and “young people” in neighborhoods who “talk” to young people to explain to them “freedom of opinion” and “fraternity”.

Regarding the Internet which “does us harm”, he called on GAFA (Google, Apple, Facebook and Amazon) to “wake up” because “thousands of lives” are “at stake”.

At his side, Marek Halter, who put together this symbolic event in a few hours, was pleased to hear “an angry man”.

“Not everything we've seen in the past few days is enough.

France has become a little too accustomed to violence.

I hope we can reunite 100,000 Muslims in Republic Square by the end of the year.


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On the sidelines of this ceremony, Yasmine, a practicing Muslim from Conflans-Sainte-Honorine, also came to leave, with her children, a bouquet and messages.

“I hung up verses saying that it is forbidden to kill a person.

I have translated the sentence into the languages ​​of all religions.

Islam professes peace, tolerance and love ”, suggests this mother who thinks it is important“ to be there for the children ”.