The Limited Times

They order the "immediate" eviction of the Mapuches in the capture of El Foyel

10/19/2020, 7:01:19 PM

More than 200 people, including police officers and officials, will participate in the procedure.Claudio Andrade 10/19/2020 2:46 PM Clarí Society Updated 10/19/2020 2:46 PM The Río Negro Justice ordered the “immediate” eviction of the El Foyel camp, 35 kilometers from Bariloche, occupied by a Mapuche community since last Thursday. In a challenge hearing, judge Marcelo Álvarez Melinger agreed to the request of the prosecutor Francisco Arrien and the chief prosecutor Martín Lozada de Bar

Claudio Andrade

10/19/2020 2:46 PM

  • Clarí

  • Society

Updated 10/19/2020 2:46 PM

The Río Negro Justice ordered the “immediate” eviction of the El Foyel camp, 35 kilometers from Bariloche, occupied by a Mapuche community since last Thursday.

In a challenge hearing, judge Marcelo Álvarez Melinger agreed to the request of the prosecutor Francisco Arrien and the chief prosecutor Martín Lozada de Bariloche, who on Friday faced the suspension of the measure by Judge Ricardo Calcagno.

The magistrate had refused to continue with the process

until the leaders of the usurpation Blanca Gallardo and Juan Carlos Oyarzo were arrested.

As this newspaper was able to confirm at the same time, about 150 members of the Río Negro police are heading to the place, plus Civil Defense personnel, Volunteer Firefighters, specialists from the Forest Fire Prevention and Fighting Service (SPLIF) and agents of the Corps. of Special Operations and Rescue (COER).

They are joined by officials from the province's secretariat for Security and Human Rights, among others.

In total, more than 200 people will be involved.

The agents have at their disposal satellite phones, modern communications equipment for remote geographies like this one, video cameras that will record all the events, virtual maps of the sector, drones, climate information, among others, which allow them to obtain a privileged panoramic view of the scene. and its actors.

Two ambulances will also be ready.

“The eviction order was issued and the prosecutors are already going to El Foyel.

We have everything ready.

It will take effect in a bit.

Hopefully it will be an eviction as quiet as possible, "said the Secretary of Security to Clarín.

The procedure will have two stages, explained in court.

Prosecutors Arrien and Lozada will try to convince the usurpers to accept a "voluntary" departure from the property.

If the usurpers refuse the judicial officials will require the police presence.

The field of almost 400 hectares remains occupied by about 50 members of the Gallardo Calfú lof.

The Mapuches set up tents at the entrances to the territory.

The referent of the shot is Blanca Gallado (79), an untitled “machi” who practiced curanderismo in the San José de El Bolsón neighborhood.

“We, our community, are not going to move from here.

It took us a lot to get back to our territory after the scam they did to my dad that left him on the street, "warned Gallardo who resists inside the field.

Meanwhile, three members of the two owner families support the Mapuche site and today they began to lack food.

They are Martín Soriani and the brothers Débora and Pablo Mayer.

The members of the Gallardo Calfú lof claim the territory based on an alleged scam suffered by the original owner, Félix Gallardo Calfú in 1980, by Miguel Soriani.

They ensure that it is an ancestral property and that they have the collaboration of the National Institute of Indigenous Affairs (INAI).

However, the Río Negro courts did not support the two claims made at different times by the Mapuches.