The Limited Times

The government launches the value sharing project

10/21/2020, 4:52:08 PM

The social partners, not very enthusiastic, must present their proposals on Friday.For the executive, it's time to revive the great Gaullist idea of ​​sharing value! Last Monday, the Ministry of Labor submitted to the social partners several avenues for reflection to establish a more balanced distribution of wealth within companies. A site that is not a surprise since in May, Gérald Darmanin, then Minister of Action and Public Accounts, explained in an interview with the JDD tha

For the executive, it's time to revive the great Gaullist idea of ​​sharing value!

Last Monday, the Ministry of Labor submitted to the social partners several avenues for reflection to establish a more balanced distribution of wealth within companies.

A site that is not a surprise since in May, Gérald Darmanin, then Minister of Action and Public Accounts, explained in an interview with the



"in a world in crisis, the sharing of wealth is an essential stake ”


A message of course since, a few weeks later, on the occasion of his general policy speech, the Prime Minister, Jean Castex, officially added this idea to the negotiation calendar by calling on the unions and employers to

"seize without timeframe for value sharing questions ”


More than three months after this announcement, discussions will finally begin.

Read also:

The French skeptical about value sharing in business

Social partners have until Friday to comment

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