The Limited Times

Covid: still 4125 cases in Lombardy, ratio at 11.5%

10/22/2020, 4:58:21 PM

The new positives in Lombardy are exactly the same as yesterday, i.e. 4,125, with 35,715 swabs carried out, for a percentage equal to 11.5%, a slight increase compared to yesterday (11.3%). There are 29 deaths for a total of 17. (ANSA)

(ANSA) - MILAN, OCTOBER 22 - The new positives in Lombardy are exactly the same, i.e. 4,125, with 35,715 tampons made, for a percentage equal to 11.5%, a slight increase compared to yesterday (11.3%). There are 29 deaths for a total of 17,152 deaths in the region since the start of the pandemic. There is an increase in both intensive care admissions (+22, 156 in total) and in other wards (+174.1.695).

    The metropolitan city of Milan is always very affected with 2,031 cases, of which 917 in the city of Milan, but the provinces of Varese (393), Como (328), Monza and Brianza (298) and Rescia (194) also worry. (HANDLE).