The Limited Times

Italy celebrates the 75th anniversary of the UN with Roberto Bolle THE VIDEO

10/22/2020, 7:25:03 PM

World live event. Di Maio: 'Coming out of crisis stronger' (ANSA)

Italy celebrates the 75th anniversary of the United Nations by bringing a show conceived by the Teatro alla Scala with the special participation of Roberto Bolle and leading names in the Scala ballet to the UN headquarters.

The theme of the event, organized by the Italian Permanent Representation to the UN and supported by Intesa Sanpaolo - 'Reimagine, rebalance, restart: recovering together for a shared humanity' - aims to highlight the symbolic value of the 75th anniversary of the international organization, inviting us to reflect on the shared experience of the pandemic and its impact in every sphere of individual and collective life.

"Music unites people, it is the only form of communication in the world for which no translators are needed. We must invest in culture and protect cultural rights just as we protect all other human rights," said the secretary general of the UN, Antonio Guterres.

"In this spirit, I hope today's concert inspires us towards the global solidarity that is urgently needed at this unprecedented time", he continued, reiterating his "call for a global ceasefire".


"Let's act together now to defeat the pandemic, prevent climate catastrophe, support equality between women and men and pave the way for a safer, healthier, fairer and more sustainable world", he concluded, thanking the mission of Italy to the UN for organizing "an extraordinary program".

 "Italy has always worked in favor of multilateralism and a rules-based international order, with the United Nations as the cornerstone for development and peace," Foreign Minister Luigi Di Maio said in a video message. of a "strong Italian contribution" to the UN.

"The next Italian presidency of the G20 gives us the opportunity, in close contact with the United Nations, to work for a better recovery and to come out of the crisis stronger and more resilient together", he continued.

 The event was also attended by the president of the General Assembly, Volkan Bozkir, and the ambassador Mariangela Zappia, permanent representative at the UN.