The Limited Times

Land seizure in the South: Frederic is displaced at the dialogue table with the Mapuche groups

10/22/2020, 4:13:32 PM

Security officials will continue to participate, but from now on the negotiation will be led by the Minister of Justice, Marcela Losardo.

Claudio Andrade

10/22/2020 12:19 PM

  • Clarí

  • Society

Updated 10/22/2020 12:19 PM

In a delicate chess move, the president, Alberto Fernández, decided that the Minister of National Security, Sabrina Frederic and her area secretary, Gabriel Fuks, stop leading the negotiating table with Mapuche groups that occupy Mascardi, at 35 kilometers from Bariloche.

In her place will be the Minister of Justice and Human Rights, Marcela Losardo.

The change was communicated in person by the president on Wednesday to the governor of Río Negro, Arabela Carreras, who on Monday suffered a brutal aggression by the militants in the cut on Route 40.

“We brought the proposal to create a dialogue table with social and political forces from Río Negro.

The president promised the participation in this area of ​​the Minister of Justice and Human Rights, Marcela Losardo, to analyze the situation with the particularities of the region, ”Carreras reported.

Although the governor does not mention it,

for about six months there has already been such a “negotiation table”

and it was carried out by the National Security officials, with the timid accompaniment of representatives of National Parks and Human Rights, as they have explained. to this newspaper the neighbors who lost their homes at the hands of the lo, of Lafken Winkul Mapu.

“We discussed it with the president and we agreed to generate a direct dialogue from Minister Losardo to better understand the problem.

If Losardo is present, the president's gaze on the situation is guaranteed

”, said the provincial president in a clear allusion to the fact that the previous Security administration did not understand this“ situation ”.

Arabela Carreras with Alberto Fernández, this Wednesday.

Presidency photo

"(We had) an excellent dialogue, like the one we usually do, with a lot of listening and a lot of coincidence on the analysis of the problems and how to direct solutions and I have high expectations of being able to direct the situation," he continued.

Sources from the ministry that Frederic leads assure that they continue at Mascardi's table without going into more details about his new role.

"We are still at the negotiating table," they




The governor and the president met at the Casa Rosada to talk about the harsh conflict that the province has endured in Villa Mascardi for three years, when the lof Lafken Winkul Mapu occupied a 6-hectare property in the Nahuel Huapi National Park and continued to expand. until reaching 30 hectares and part of the beach of the lake of the same name.

In the middle there were more than 110 attacks of all kinds against neighbors, officials and properties.

The last one was loaded with symbolism.

On Monday, the Mapuche militants blocked Route 40 in protest of the eviction carried out by the province in a field in El Foyel, 75 kilometers from Bariloche and 46 from El Bolsón, where the lof Gallardo Calfú had occupied 400 hectares of the Soriani families and Mayer.


Clarín was

able to find out

, the governor instructed her Secretary of Security, Betiana Minor, to report the court to Federal Justice.

The substitute judge Gustavo Zapata immediately ordered the eviction and requested the support of the federal forces in charge of the Ministry of National Security.

On the sides of the road, numerous vehicles remained stranded while the Mapuche threatened to resist until the Río Negro police left El Foyel and allowed the Gallardo Calfú to stay in the field they had occupied since Thursday the 15th. The arrival of the National Gendarmerie and of the Federal Police

would have been delayed while they awaited authorization from their superiors in Buenos Aires


In any case, there are about 15 kilometers between the gendarmes' post and the place of the capture.

Finally, the governor herself decided to go to the place in

a risky attempt to unblock the claim


In court, she was literally expelled by Mapuches who insulted her and threw stones at her vehicle.

“Madam, take them, this territory is Mapuche.

Do you want to come kill us?

We are not afraid of dogs!

No, no, what comes to talk now!

You are crazy!

You are not my authority!

My machi and my lonko are my authority!

I will never believe in you because you are Winkas and I am Mapuche and I have Mapuche blood! ”A Mascardi militant yelled at him.

"We have to talk, we have to talk," a helpless Carreras told him.

The disturbing scene was recorded on video.

Today they recognize that Carreras was aware of what could happen.

Although his dangerous maneuver

had the desired effect on President Fernández


The president, probably frightened, quickly summoned her to the Casa Rosada.

"That is the achievement," acknowledged a high-ranking Rio Negro official in relation to the departure of Minister Frederic and Fuks from the negotiating table with the Mapuches. In the province, no one dares to assure that Carreras' appearance on Monday in Mascardi It was not on purpose.

"It is not about me, but rather that with my presence what the residents of Mascardi experience very frequently was made evident,

that this is real and that they suffer,

" he said after his meeting with the president.

"It is very worrying that this is a common situation and that people's lives, property and physical integrity are at risk," he continued.

Neighbors of Bariloche cut Route 40 at the end of August in repudiation of the vandal acts in Villa Mascardi.

Photo Marcelo Martinez

“This group

must make its demands within the framework of democracy

, compliance with the law, which is what is being transgressed at this time.

The position of any group is not questioned, because in a democracy we do not have unanimities, so that is not a problem but the way in which they are raised, because routes cannot be cut, land cannot be taken irregularly, this is outside the law: the regulations are in force and the authorities must be respected ”, he concluded.

In all these aspects he agreed with President Fernández, he transcended.

For six months now, Secretary of Security Fuck has been leading the negotiations with the lof in Mascardi.

Until today the results were null, they assure in the province.

According to


, the last action of Fuks, supported by Frederic, was to propose to the Mapuches that they stay in the 6-hectare National Parks property, the first they occupied in November 2017, and vacate the others that have different owners.

During that year they would look for a fiscal land of about 600 agricultural hectares to which they could move.

The proposal was made at the end of September, but to Fuks' surprise

there was no response from the Mapuches


They only observed a positive signal: the usurpers abandoned a small property that once belonged to Gas del Estado.

On Monday the community again cut off the road and the attacks, after a month and a half of tense peace.

For Carreras, this was the straw that broke the camel's back, they say in the province.

In his conversation with President Fernández, Carreras also denounced the logistical help they receive in Mascardi from the president of the National Institute of Indigenous Affairs (INAI), Magdalena Odarda, and her second Luis Pilquiman.

"The INAI endorses and finances the Mapuche takeovers," declared the governor this Wednesday, pointing to Odarda.

In the province it was confirmed that Pilquiman has periodically collaborated with Mascardi and that INAI officials went to El Foyel to talk with the usurpers.

From the Ministry of Security, they reiterate to this newspaper that

a new operation led by the National Gendarmerie

has been implemented

in the vicinity of the capture

and that surveillance cameras will be installed in the sector.

This Wednesday, agents of the force were located in Mascardi at the height of the former IOS Hotel, which is also part of the usurpation.




Look also

Alberto Fernández and Arabela Carreras met over the Mascardi seizures: criticism of INAI and request for a dialogue table

Gustavo Bordet took off the national government from taking over the Etchevehere field and said that they will comply with what Justice decides