The Limited Times

Like in a horror movie: After five years, a man discovers a secret door in his home

10/22/2020, 2:37:43 PM

A man recently discovered access to a hidden room in his home. The room can only be entered through a well camouflaged door.

A man recently discovered access to a hidden room in his home.

The room can only be entered through a well camouflaged door.

After five years, you actually assume you know your own four walls inside out.

But there are still surprises for some residents *.

A man recently noticed that two stones on an inner wall could be loosened - he probably had no idea what would follow.

Secret door discovered in dining room wall: what is behind it?

Behind the stones was a lock that opened a large part of the wall - a hidden secret door.

And what's behind it?

The community is now puzzling about this on the Reddit online forum, where the man shared a video of his discovery as "Stickz587".

The small chamber is empty except for a few bars and bars.


I've lived in this house for five years

and have never noticed that a secret door leads into a small storage room at the end of the dining room."

Been living in this house for 5 years, never noticed there was a secret door leading to a little storage cubby behind the dining room finish.

from r / IRLEasterEggs

Also interesting

: the family discovers a secret hole in the bathroom wall - behind it is a strange treasure.

Users suspect what the secret room was for

But he is unsure whether it is really just a storage room.

In a more recent post he writes that he now assumes that

something was planted there earlier


"You just discovered where the guy in front of you grew his weed," says one user, amused.

Other users, on the other hand, complain that the room is too small for this - mainly because the door needs so much space to swing open that you couldn't store much in it: “Great idea, but useless,” it says, for example.

Another user would have kept the door locked forever: "If films have taught me anything, it is that you have

definitely released a demon on your house

." The idea seems to please the discoverer "Stickz587" more: " Epic, ”he says.

He does not reveal what he plans to do with the secret room.

* is part of the nationwide Ippen-Digital editors network.

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