The Limited Times

Against Islamism, new measures that could "put an end to blind spots"

10/23/2020, 8:00:59 PM

Those who upload personal information that endangers the lives of others could soon face penalties.Even if the announcements made this Friday by the Prime Minister are still very vague, they are going in the right direction, according to several teachers' unions. Among the measures that could see the light of day, one in particular holds their attention. This is the one that will punish those who post personal information that endangers the lives of others. " Even if we wait to see the legal tr

Even if the announcements made this Friday by the Prime Minister are still very vague, they are going in the right direction, according to several teachers' unions.

Among the measures that could see the light of day, one in particular holds their attention.

This is the one that will punish those who post personal information that endangers the lives of others.


Even if we wait to see the legal translation of this measure, this new offense will put an end to a blind



said Sophie Vénétitay, Deputy Secretary General of SNES-FSU.

Read also:

Islamism: the timid passage to acts of the executive

With the explosion of social networks, a wealth of information is now circulating about teachers, overwhelmed and destitute.

Private life suddenly swings into the public.

“Today, colleagues see information circulating about them and they are helpless.

Should they report it to the police?

A text could help them better defend themselves, ”

according to the same official.

However, this flood of data spilled on the net is also carried by the students themselves who, according to Sophie Vénétitay, do not always take the measure of what they are doing.

The already existing courses on media literacy will need to be consolidated.

Educational work around social networks must be put in place so that young people understand the scope of the information they disclose, ”

she said.

Without knowing it, by transmitting personal data - such as addresses, phone numbers - they can endanger a teacher.

Strong expectations

Jean Castex, who also announces that he wants to

“strengthen the protection of civil servants and public officials”

, obviously meets high expectations.

But these same officials want, there again, to see how the texts will translate into

"the penalization of those who put pressure on them and on the functioning of public services by words and behavior",

as announced by the Prime Minister. .

“A new text could calm things down for parents of students who sometimes go too far.

It will be useful when the way of dialogue does not make it possible to calm the climate ”

, estimates Philippe Vincent, secretary general of SNPDEN-Unsa.

To read also:

Manuel Valls: "We must change our law" to fight against Islamism

But these new laws, even relevant ones, could go unheeded.

The fear of some officials of making waves prevents them from defending themselves.

"In the absence of explicit support from the hierarchy, the teacher remains isolated",

describes Sophie Vénétitay.

"And then we also realize that the teaching staff ignores the legal arsenal already available," said

Philippe Vincent.

However, according to a magistrate, the penal code already contains a wide range of offenses.

The offer is such that it is also not necessary, according to him, to create new texts.

"First of all concerning the violence which is the subject of prosecution, it is now accepted that it can be psychological violence, which can join the pressures mentioned by the Prime Minister"

, he said.

“Then, this violence becomes offenses when it targets certain professions, such as firefighters, teachers, magistrates, police officers.

The list is long, ”

he continues


however perceiving the usefulness of new texts:

“ After this terrible attack, we must respond politically with a law.

The government cannot fail to react ”



"for a law to take its place, it must be useful"

, warns the same magistrate.

Otherwise, it ends up in oblivion.