The Limited Times

Corona outbreak in the intensive care unit in Großhadern: three patients negative on admission - and now infected

10/23/2020, 8:51:52 PM

Shock at the Großhadern Clinic in Munich: The coronavirus has broken out in the intensive care unit. Those affected were only infected with the VIrus in the hospital.

Shock at the Großhadern Clinic in Munich: The coronavirus has broken out in the intensive care unit.

Those affected were only infected with the VIrus in the hospital.

  • The development of the

    corona pandemic

    in the state capital

    Munich * is


  • An outbreak occurred in the intensive care unit in the Großhadern Clinic.

  • Many employees of the Munich * clinic are in quarantine.

Munich - Munich in the Corona rigor.

It was recently announced that 33 residents of the BRK nursing home at Kieferngarten were infected.

Now the next shock at the Großhadern Clinic: There was a corona outbreak in the intensive care unit.

Three patients are affected.

They had to be relocated and treated in isolation, and a number of clinic employees are in quarantine.

Clinic spokesman Philipp Kreßirer confirms: "As part of

routine examinations

of patients in an intensive care unit on the Großhadern campus,

two patients were initially

tested positive, followed by a third patient." The intensive care unit ITS 2nd was affected The infections were found with smears.

Coronavirus Munich: Patients were infected in the intensive care unit

The affected patients were not originally

in the clinic

because of a

corona infection

, but only became infected in the intensive care unit.

“We don't have an explanation yet,” says Kressirer.

The origin of the infection is unclear.

The clinic is now researching intensively.

But it is also clear that there is currently no external access, for example for visitors, in the clinic in the intensive care unit.

Only medical personnel have access.

Kreßirer: "As soon as the infections became known, the increased occurrence was reported to the health department, all contact persons were identified and tested


As part of the chain of infection, intensive care staff is also affected, but no other patients. ”

The number of affected employees is“ still in the single-digit range ”: They are in quarantine.

"The infection process is currently limited.

The now infected patients "initially had a negative result," said the spokesman.

But later it was positive - of all things in the intensive care unit.

In the meantime, however, the patients have been transferred back to the

normal ward

, "where they are isolated and receive further treatment," confirms the clinic.

Andreas Thieme - * is part of the nationwide Ippen-Digital editorial network.

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