The Limited Times

Coronavirus: Biden promises free vaccine "for all" if elected

10/23/2020, 7:51:58 PM

Donald Trump, lagging behind in the polls, also wants the future vaccine to be free.Democratic candidate Joe Biden pledged Friday, October 23, that the coronavirus vaccine would be " free for everyone " as part of his national pandemic plan, if elected as President of the United States. Read also: Trump vs Biden: their revenues and expenses to revive America " Once we have a safe and effective vaccine, it should be free for everyone, whether you are insured or not, " he said, 1

Democratic candidate Joe Biden pledged Friday, October 23, that the coronavirus vaccine would be "

free for everyone

" as part of his national pandemic plan, if elected as President of the United States.

Read also: Trump vs Biden: their revenues and expenses to revive America


Once we have a safe and effective vaccine, it should be free for everyone, whether you are insured or not,

" he said, 11 days before the presidential election. US President Donald Trump, lagging behind in the polls, also wants the future vaccine against the virus, which could be ready in the coming weeks, to be free.