The Limited Times

Plans for the Munich strike are already causing a major Corona-Zoff: "Apparently lost reference to reality"

10/23/2020, 8:07:18 PM

The main route is closed at the weekend, on Monday Verdi will again call for a strike in local transport - despite the massive increase in the number of infections. This meets with a lack of understanding.

The main route is closed at the weekend, on Monday Verdi will again call for a strike in local transport - despite the massive increase in the number of infections.

This meets with a lack of understanding.

  • Local traffic in Munich is significantly affected for three days in a row.

  • The reason is the construction on the main line and a strike.

  • There is a heated discussion about the latter because of the increasing corona numbers.

Update October 23, 2020, 8:32 p.m.:

When the S-Bahn resumes service on Monday, the warning strike by the Verdi union will paralyze a large part of the traffic on the subway, tram and bus.

As the MVG announced, the warning strike will be clearly noticeable for Munich's commuters


"The subway will initially not go into operation on Monday," announced

the MVG on Friday.

Whether journeys can be started on individual lines at a later point in time depends on the available staff.

The operation of trams and buses will also be severely restricted - here too it will only be revealed on Monday morning how many vehicles can be used.

The MVG is aiming for buses to run every 20 minutes.

MVG boss Ingo Wortmann has no understanding of the renewed warning strike:

"Verdi has apparently lost


with reality," he


The warning strike is an unreasonable burden on the passengers who finance the public transport through the fares.

"In addition, the strike counteracts the protection against infection in times of

rapidly increasing case numbers in Munich,

" says Wortmann.

Union secretary Schütz holds companies accountable

Union secretary Franz Schütz can understand the concern about a possible increasing risk of infection in overcrowded buses, but he holds the companies responsible.

Schütz calls on the MVG not to send any vehicles onto the streets so that too many passengers don't squeeze into the few vehicles.

The union calls for better working conditions, the "

limit of resilience

" for the employees has been reached, emphasizes Kai Winkler, Verdi negotiator for the local transport collective agreement (TV-N) in Bavaria.

MVG boss Wortmann says with a view to the negotiations: “Big leaps are not possible in an economic crisis.” One is ready to talk about better working conditions, but the money can “only be spent once”.

In plain language: The union should decide whether it wants to negotiate higher wages or better working conditions.

SPD criticizes CSU for mask statement

Either way - it should be tight in the few MVG modes of transport that will be on the streets of Munich on Monday.

How problematic full buses and trains are has meanwhile become a controversial topic in state politics.

The SPD criticizes Bavaria's Transport Minister Kerstin Schreyer (CSU).

In a conversation with our newspaper, she had expressed herself to the fullest and said:

“The mask replaces the distance.”

The SPD in the state parliament considers this statement to be negligent.

Group leader Horst Arnold says: “You shouldn't make people insecure, but you shouldn't lull them into a false sense of security.

Transport Minister Schreyer is doing both with her questionable 'mask-replacing-distance' statement.

As a minister, it would be her job to point out that the mask does not, of course, replace the distance, but that even when wearing the mask, distance discipline must be observed. "

Arnold accuses Schreyer of contradicting statements.

Schreyer's ministry replied to a request from the SPD politician: “

The minimum distance must - wherever possible - also be observed in public transport.

Since this is not always guaranteed in public transport, there is an obligation to wear a mouth and nose cover. ”In addition, the Ministry of Health clearly states on its website that an everyday mask is an additional component in the fight against the coronavirus.

"It does not replace any corona rules."

On Monday it will be difficult with the distance in local traffic.

And the streets are likely to get full too - the strikes of recent weeks have shown that.

Update October 23, 2020, 8.30 p.m.:

The main S-Bahn line belongs to the construction workers again this weekend.

Until the start of operations on Monday morning at 4.40 a.m., there are no S-Bahn trains between Pasing and Ostbahnhof


Alternatively, there are buses that serve all stations except Marienplatz.

There is an additional stop at Odeonsplatz.

As the graphic shows, the trains turn around at the main station (above ground) and at the Ostbahnhof, the west branches of S3 and S4 end in Pasing.

The airport line S8 runs over the Südring without stopping between Pasing and Ostbahnhof on the Leuchtenbergring.

The buses of the rail replacement service should come every ten to 15 minutes, for Saturday the S-Bahn promises a seven-minute cycle from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m.

With their tickets, passengers can also use the regional trains between Pasing, the main train station and the Ostbahnhof.

During the day on Saturday, the U5 underground line between Westendstrasse and Innsbrucker Ring will be reduced to a five-minute cycle.

Tram line 19 between Pasing and Sendlinger Tor also runs more frequently on Saturday and Sunday evening.


Update October 23, 2020, 1:43 pm:



Ingo Wortmann

reacts with incomprehension to the planned


on Monday: "


has apparently lost




Wortmann described the announced actions as “unreasonable demands on the passengers” - also with a view to the tense


situation in the state capital.

MVG boss Ingo Wortmann: "#Verdi has apparently lost touch with reality." The strike is "an imposition for the passengers" who finance the public transport. "In addition, the strike thwarted the protection against infection in times of rapidly increasing case numbers in # Munich. "# Covid_19

- Marc Kniepkamp (@MK_Muc) October 23, 2020

The strike thwarted the protection against infection in times of sharply increasing case numbers in Munich.

Wortmann warned the negotiators:

"Big leaps are not possible in an economic crisis."

Closure of the trunk route is followed by a strike, which causes a major corona vortex: "Irresponsible strategy"

Original message of 22 October 2020 21:06:

Munich - Who in the coming days with the

local traffic

will drive needs either patience or a good plan B. On the weekend is the

next main line blocking

on, on Monday calling the union


again to


on *.

This time, the entire local public transport (ÖPNV) in

Munich * is

affected, which means: U-Bahn, bus and tram are mostly at a standstill.

Since private companies also operate in the bus sector, according to Verdi, this is not completely affected.

The union wants to increase the pressure on employers shortly before the third round of negotiations in the

ongoing collective bargaining dispute


The union calls for

better working conditions

, the "limit of resilience" for the employees has been reached, emphasizes Kai Winkler, Verdi negotiator for the local transport collective agreement (TV-N) in Bavaria.

In addition, Verdi accuses the employers of a "massive refusal to accept".

"Instead, they offer

minimal wage increases

, employers are not interested in the burden on employees," said Winkler.

New strike in Munich: MVG points to alarming financial situation

"That is nonsense," says MVG spokesman Matthias Korte.

The talks have not broken off, the

next negotiation

dates have been set.

“Besides, there isn't much to distribute,” Korte continued.


financial situation of Stadtwerke München and MVG

is alarming, so a “moderate collective agreement” must be found.

However, this should be found at the negotiating table and not carried out

on the back of the passengers


In the past few weeks, critical voices against the

strikes in times of Corona * have


again and again


The MVG also sharply criticized the decision again, especially with regard to the currently

strong increase

in the

number of infections

in the state capital *.

“Such a strategy is


and counteracts protection against infection,” Korte continues.

New Munich strike in public transport: It is also about the expansion of local transport

The Verdi union sees it differently.

Even if one

generally understood


criticism from the population

, they would go on


not only for better working conditions, but also for the

expansion of local transport

and thus for the passengers, emphasized union secretary Franz Schütz



“In addition, the employees only make use of their

basic right to strike


Schütz also understands

the concern about a possible

increasing risk of infection in overcrowded buses

, but also believes that the companies are responsible for this.

They shouldn't send vehicles onto the streets just to break the strike and thus accept that

too many passengers


into the few vehicles *


According to Schütz, the strike should begin around 3:30 a.m. and continue into the evening.


S-Bahn route

is closed due to maintenance work from Friday 22:30 to Monday 4:40.

(Lisa-Marie Birnbeck) * is part of the Ippen-Digital network

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