The Limited Times

Rodríguez Larreta announced how the quarantine continues in the City: gyms and lounges of bars and restaurants open

10/23/2020, 8:36:52 PM

It will be at 25% of its capacity, depending on the space and the level of ventilation. They will also open museums and dance schools. What are the other flexibilities.

10/23/2020 5:31 PM

  • Clarí

  • Cities

Updated 10/23/2020 5:31 PM

Starting Monday, the City will take another step towards the so-called "new normal", in a new stage of quarantine.

It will be possible to return to eat or drink something inside the bars and restaurants, which can enable up to 25% of their capacity.

Dance schools, gyms, also with a 25% limit, and museums will reopen.

The gyms and swimming pools in the buildings will be able to be used again.

Boys from room 5 will return to class.

And you can also request shifts for weddings.

The announcements were made this afternoon by the head of the Buenos Aires government, Horacio Rodríguez Larreta, shortly after President Alberto Fernández announced the extension of the quarantine for 14 more days.

In his speech, Rodríguez Larreta highlighted that work continues in coordination with the Nation and Province.

And he said that this Friday he met again with Fernández and with the Buenos Aires governor, Axel Kicillof.

The head of government began with the numbers.

"The average number of new cases in the last 15 days is 800,

the R (the contagious rate) is at 0.95

and the occupation of intensive care beds in the public system has dropped to around 40%," he explained.

"However, we have to be very careful and prudent because the virus continues to circulate in the City, in various areas of our country and in the world.

The risk remains

," warned Rodríguez Larreta, who explained that the danger of a re-outbreak is a reality.

Until now, bars and restaurants could only function with tables outside.

Photo Juano Tesone

Among the flexibilities authorized by the Nation and announced by Rodríguez Larreta, is the permission for

bars and restaurants to open their interior rooms

with a limit of clients: 25% of the capacity.

This week there were meetings with the gastronomic chambers, which maintain that, after seven months of restrictions, everything they can add is significant.

As it emerged, the discussion went through the way of ventilating the closed spaces and the size of each room.

Meanwhile, Rodríguez Larreta anticipated that they are holding meetings with those responsible for the theaters, with a view to returning to the activity.

The gyms may reopen with an occupation of 25% of their capacity, as long as they have an adequate ventilation system.

It will be with shifts, distance between the machines and hygiene and disinfection protocols.

With a similar scheme, dance schools will also be able to function again.

In addition, the open air swimming pools will be allowed.

The gyms are also returning, with 25% of their capacity and depending on their ventilation system.

Photo: Rafael Mario Quinteros

As for the buildings, gyms and pools will also be enabled, with shifts and according to the space of each place.

Last week the use of grills and laundry rooms had already been authorized.

In terms of education, the activity will be resumed for initial level 5-year-old boys.

It will be preferably outdoors, with recreational spaces and repeating the scheme already used for the last years of primary and secondary school.

The administration of Horacio Rodríguez Larreta also authorized end-of-cycle practical activities in laboratories and university workshops.

The craft fairs will also return.

Stock Photo

On the other hand, the return of artisan and manualista fairs will be allowed.

These are the announced flexibilities, one by one, for this new quarantine period in the City:


Initial level.

5-year-old room: educational activities for relinking, orientation and exchange.

Both in state and private schools (prior authorization).

Preferably outdoors and with groups of up to ten people.

It will be of gradual implementation

First grade and first year: Rejoining with a focus on recreational and sports activities.

Tracking of trajectories.

Both in state and private schools (prior authorization).

Outdoors and in groups of up to 10 people.

Gradual implementation as of November 2.

Socio-educational activities: Saturdays in 100 schools for elementary and middle school boys.

Internships in tertiary institutes: Educational activities of orientation, exchange and face-to-face activities at the end of the school year.

Higher Technical Education, Professional Training and Higher Education for Teacher training.

Groups of up to 10 people.

Gradual implementation.


Bars and restaurants: they will be able to open the internal rooms, with a maximum occupancy of up to 25% of their capacity and according to the characteristics of their ventilation system.

They must present an Affidavit in the Government Control Agency signed by a professional and will be enabled at a maximum of 25% capacity according to the number of air renewals per hour.

Clients must have a prior reservation.

Self-service is not allowed, only à la carte dishes.

The minimum distance between the tables must be two meters.

And there is a maximum of four people per table.

People must maintain a minimum distance of two meters from each other at all times.


Gyms that have adequate air circulation and with a maximum occupancy of up to 25% of their capacity may reopen, according to the characteristics of their ventilation system.

Training can only be done without physical contact.

It is recommended not to perform aerobic activities such as running on treadmills.

And there will be a shift system.

In order to open, gyms must submit an affidavit that guarantees compliance with ventilation requirements.

The pools and gymnasiums in the buildings may also reopen.

The use of common spaces, amenities and facilities will be limited exclusively to owners, tenants and occupants.

Guest access is prohibited.

The use of face masks is mandatory when entering or leaving.

The swimming pools will only be enabled if they are outdoors, with one person every 15 square meters and 45-minute shifts.

Each user must have their personal towel, which cannot be shared.

Changing rooms and toilets cannot be used.

The previous shower should be taken at home.

In the case of gymnasiums in buildings, only one person may go per 45-minute shift, except for family groups that live together.

You also have to wear a mask to enter and exit and you cannot use changing rooms or toilets.

On the other hand, outdoor swimming pools are enabled for all kinds of activities.

The capacity is one person every 15 square meters in the pool.

The changing room cannot be used.

The sinks cannot be heated.

It will be necessary to go in shifts and a register of attendees must be kept, who must present an affidavit about their state of health.


Individual medical rehabilitation in public and private institutions.

Public space

 Artisan and handicraft fairs: Openings from November 7.

With two meters of distance and / or with physical division between posts, which must be attended by a single person.

In the road a division of the shopping space will be demarcated from that of the circulation of people.

There will be a perimeter fence delimited with tape to reduce the number of accesses.

Fences will be placed at the entrances to control the flow of people.

And there will be control of compliance with protocols

Boys, girls and adolescents in a situation of adoptability

Links with their relatives (those who live in homes and have families) or with their new families (those who are going to be adopted) will be enabled.


Visits to museums: From Monday to Sunday, with a maximum schedule between 10 a.m. and 8 p.m. They will be with digital and advance reservation, not on site.

The circuits will have a one-way route.

One person will be allowed every 15 square meters and the museum must strictly control capacity.

Only individual visits will be allowed or, if they are in groups, of cohabitants and that do not exceed four people.

These must be kept together or, if separated, respect social distancing.

Participatory art installations or touching the works will not be allowed.

Gastronomy service is allowed on terraces and internal patios.

Dance centers and studios will be able to reopen, with a scheme similar to that of gyms.

Worship and ceremonies

Socio-pastoral activities: Meetings, courses, catechesis conducted in the courtyards of religious institutions. Outdoors, maximum 10 people.

Marriages: By Civil Registry, shifts will be enabled for ceremonies.

Religious ceremonies: there is also the possibility of summoning 20 guests in institutions that have a patio with a maximum of 20 people inside the temple.

Research activities and content generation in university laboratories and workshops

With shift system for the practices necessary to obtain the graduation degree.

Lectures, consultation classes, and laboratory exams are not allowed.